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Looping arrows animation

New Here ,
Sep 19, 2024 Sep 19, 2024

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Got a challenge if anyone can help. I don't know anything about After Effects, I mean zero, but have recently been learning through tuts. I want to create a looping animation for four arrows for the logo design I created. It is for a HVAC company and the concept is circulating air in a rectangle shape with rounded corners. (Design attached). I have found a couple tuts that kinda do what I want but not really, all involving trim paths. I just don't think trim paths is the way to go. Probably wrong.


In the first video, at 6:44, was promising but the arrrow contorts when it rounds the corners of the rectangle on my logo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=748l7DIU4bQ


In the second video, this guy has just the arrow head doing what I want it to do. It involves a shape on a path. I tried creating an arrow shape like in my logo but it does not flow with the path correctly like it does with trim paths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofwHRvKuwqo&t=194s 


The challenge. Get the 4 arrows to circulate non stop around a rectangular path without distorting the arrowheads on the rounded corners. Hope my rambling makes sense.



Christopher Batson

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