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I have a problem expoting a json file from after effect.
LottieFiles doesn’t work, all I get is a large error icon
Bodymovin has rendering failing everytime.
Also getting this error "After Effects error: internal verification failure, Sorry! {no current context}"
My version is CC 18.4.1
I reinstalled the program and plug-ins, restart my computer and looked for a solution in this community
Does anyone know what to do?
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Without any info about your project and what it contains we can't realyl tell you much. This warning typically comes up when there is an issue with hardware accelerated features, but aside from you obviously using a Mac we don't know anything. You need to be more specific and provide the proper details.
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Computer : Mac
The project is a simple vector graphics motion, no special effects just regular transitions with ease
What more specific do you need?
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I have the same problem:
Error exporting ( I think the error code was at line 67).
About my Adobe composition:
Elements: Circles with scaling, lines and fonts with masks.
Animation (See below)
The animation is finished and I want to create a .json file with the bodymovin (adobe exchange), but during the rendering process I always get the error message "could not export files" - without any further information. After intensive searching I saw that it is EVENTUALLY the error in line 67 - what that means I have no idea.
It is very annoying when not even Adobe products (yes, even adobe excgange products) do not harmonise with each other - but hey, this is not the first time....
If you need more information please tell me WHICH you need.
Translated with (free version)