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Hi Guys,
Im having trouble making a mask path. I have selected the keyframe option and I began moving the selected area via the pen tool frame by frame, but when I do the older frames are changed and the pen tool is in a different position. I feel like I'm missing something simple here.. See attached screenshots.
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I'm not clear to be honest on what you're aiming to do, or what is happening... but a couple of questions:
1. Are you intending to animate the mask?
2. Do you realise you have 20 pixels of mask expansion and 33pixels of mask feathering set?
3. I'm not clear on what you mean by: "...when I do the older frames are changed and the pen tool is in a different position"
If you can clarify we should be able to help.
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There are no known bugs with mask paths. If something as simple as this does not work we need complete workflow details and screenshots that show all modified properties of the layers at various times so we can know what is going on.
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1. Yes I want the mask to follow my reflection.
2. Yes I do realize this. I'm trying to blur my reflection and not make it as obvious.
3. When I change the position of the mask on key frame 5(for example), it changes the previous keyframe position(keyframe1,2,3,4) I had set. My body is moving in the video and I am trying to cover my body with the mask. Obviously my body is in a different position every frame but when I adjust the mask in one frame, the previous frame is moved. Even though they are keyframed.
Does that make sense??
Here is a video of what I'm trying to do, as you can see at the end the mask has moved.
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I figured it out.. I was moving the whole layer, as oppose to adjusting the corners of the mask.. thanks for your help