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Missing AfterEffects.lib in After Effects SDK - Need Help to Generate or Obtain It

New Here ,
Jul 25, 2024 Jul 25, 2024

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I am currently working on a project using the After Effects SDK, but I have encountered an issue. The SDK I downloaded does not include the crucial AfterEffects.lib file, which is essential for the proper functioning and compilation of my plugin project.

I contacted Adobe support, but they informed me that they are unable to provide the AfterEffects.lib file directly. They suggested contacting the plugin manufacturer, but I am developing my own plugin and thus need this library file to proceed.

Could anyone guide me on how to generate the AfterEffects.lib file from the provided SDK source files? Alternatively, if someone has faced a similar issue and found a solution, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Specifically, I am looking for:

  1. Detailed steps to create the AfterEffects.lib file using Visual Studio.
  2. Any available sources where I might be able to download this library.
  3. Recommendations on how to proceed if the library cannot be generated from the SDK.

Here are the steps I've taken so far:

  • Installed the After Effects SDK.
  • Searched through the SDK files and examples for any references or methods to generate the AfterEffects.lib file.
  • Attempted to compile example projects in the SDK without success due to the missing library.

Thank you for your help!

Resources , Scripting , SDK






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Engaged ,
Aug 04, 2024 Aug 04, 2024

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What's the aftereffects.lib file for? I have made many plugins and never needed an aftereffects.lib to have them work. Which template from the SDK are you trying to build?





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