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Hey guys...
..i just learned about the mocha plugin in AE and wanted to do some tests with it. So applied it onto a testfootage (1080p50fpsMOV).
But everytime i hit the "Launch Mocha"-Button, AE freezes and crashes without any error-code or so...
I found disussions about this from the end of last year... but nothing concerning release CC2019.
My system:
GTX 970
4K Monitor (Samsung)
Adobe CC 2019
Windows Update is up to date
graphics card drivers were updates two days ago
Does anyone have an idea?
Cleared the clipboard many times . . . restartet the machine many times . . . tried other footage two times . . .
Thx for all advice
Did you have any other versions of Mocha before this? A lot of the time this causes conflicts.
If you had CC2018 and have moved on to CC2019 there might be a conflict with the preferences.
My advice would be to either trash the preferences and see if it solves the issue.
If not uninstall CC2019 using the Adobe Cleaner Tool AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.exe
Then re-install CC2019 and see what happens
Let me know
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Did you have any other versions of Mocha before this? A lot of the time this causes conflicts.
If you had CC2018 and have moved on to CC2019 there might be a conflict with the preferences.
My advice would be to either trash the preferences and see if it solves the issue.
If not uninstall CC2019 using the Adobe Cleaner Tool AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.exe
Then re-install CC2019 and see what happens
Let me know
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Hey Mo,
at first thx for the advice.
Sadly it did not seem to work.
I removed it three times now with use of the adobe-cc-tool AND the windows "remove apps" tool AND with the CC-Desktop-APP.
Reinstalled it three times.. but the program is still crashing, once i hit the mocha-launch-button.
Maybe there are older systemfiles from previous AE-versions still in the system, but adobes cc-tool can't find them and me too.
don't know, what to do now.
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Mario can u role back to CC2018?
If you are on a mission critical project I suggest you do as Mocha was super stable there
This bug should be reported to Adobe
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Hey Mo,
at first thx for all the help. And u were right in the first place...
Seems, that there were influence from older installed versions... so i did the only thing to get a safe installed AE - "format c" 🙂
made a completly new setup of the system onto a clean formatted ssd . . . aaaaaaand . . . yeehaa
CC2019 runs without errors - even mocha is functionally again.
So thanx again and this one is resolved.
Yeehaa . . . have a nice one!
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Was this ever solved? I'm having the exact same issue. Windows 10, i9 Processor. IT hangs up on the "Thank you from Boris FX" dialogue and then crashes AE completely. Mocha never opens.
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same here... every single time I launch Mocha... AE crash. Last version AE CC, Windows 10.