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Hi, where i can change for an pc the settings, that i can zoom with the scroll wheel (+alt) for after effrects and premiere.
Wich checkbox and where i can find it?
Second Issue or in addition to that.
What is the shortcut for zoom in and out for the timeline, when u got and german keyboard and the german language on this keyboard? Just the change in Windows and add english dont change the keyboard it self and that means z=y so on. I need the zoom in and out keyboardshortcut for that specific situation.
So 2 questions, who can help?
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You hit the key of Shift + ; together on your keyboard. Is it what you look for?
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So to your questions on After effects:
1. HidekiTakemura is partly right. If you wish to zoom preview of your composition use Shift+ but if you wish to zoom timeline just use + and - (not from numpad).
2. As for your second question - please clarify it form my. You wish to zoom in and out with your scrool wheel but you can't or you can and you wish to turn it of, and you wish to do that for timeline or for preview window?
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Sorry if you're still having trouble. We have an answer for your first issue. Can you clarify Issue #2?
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when previewing a composition and want to zoom in or out:
keys "ctrl" and "+"
keys "ctrl" and "-"
key "."
key ","
for middle mouse up/down you must not have resolution on auto, so put it on full, half, .......