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multiple compostions to view

New Here ,
Nov 23, 2020 Nov 23, 2020

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What am i doing wrong?
This weekend i took the first steps into AE.
Youtube is doing well as a friend to guide through a lot of questions. But one issue seems not to go succesfull.
On de timeline I made 4 compositions. Only the first one is showing up when i hoover over the timeline. What is hapening? Any suggestions?
Error or problem , How to , Preview




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Nov 23, 2020 Nov 23, 2020

Well, you stacked 4 compositions on top of each other with no transparencies which is like stacking opaque cardboards, not rtransprent foil/ cel sheets. So far, so good and nothing wrong. since this appears to be soem sourt of neon glow animation, the trick you are missing is obvious: You did not switch the layer blending mode to Screen or Add because you skipped over the video too fast or did not pay attention. Either that or you missed an effect setting in the strokes in the pre-comp and they



Nov 23, 2020 Nov 23, 2020

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Well, you stacked 4 compositions on top of each other with no transparencies which is like stacking opaque cardboards, not rtransprent foil/ cel sheets. So far, so good and nothing wrong. since this appears to be soem sourt of neon glow animation, the trick you are missing is obvious: You did not switch the layer blending mode to Screen or Add because you skipped over the video too fast or did not pay attention. Either that or you missed an effect setting in the strokes in the pre-comp and they are defaulting to draw on the black solids instead of fully replacing the pixels with proper transparency. So by all means check these things and revisit the tutorial. In the meantime I would also strongly urge  to actualyl read the online help a bit. Tutorials on the web leave out a lot of tiny, but important things and it's easy to get stuck by not knowing about layer switches or other basics such as blending modes.






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