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Need to resize complicated animation file with hundreds of assets

New Here ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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Hi! Newb question, but your infinite wisdom could save me HOURS.

I’m animating a short commercial. It’s my first project in AE. The project is done. But suddenly the client informs me that they ACTUALLY need the dimensions to be 3840×2160 instead of 1920×1080.

Most of the animation bases are eps files created in illustrator that I imported at 100% size. Though they’re eps, the video is pixelated when I render the it at the new larger dimensions. I guess it rasterizes the eps files when they are imported? Since I was just learning, I set this project up so stupidly. There are 10 scenes, each with over a dozen sub-compositions. There are easily over 100 vector assets. The folder structure is a mess.

As far as I know, I’m just going to have to start resaving the assets at 2X in illustrator – but then when I reopen the project, they’re gigantic in their scenes. I guess I’ll have to go to to each layer in each scene and reset the dimensions. I’ll probably have to do that with any vector shapes created in After Effects also?

Anyways, before I wade into this quagmire that I dug for myself, I wondered if any old pros had tips or tricks that would help me on this resolution-based nightmare.

Dynamic link , How to , Import and export






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Community Expert ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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First, check one of the EPS files by turning on Continuous Rasterize and scaling it up by about 400%. If that works, turn CR on for every layer, go to the main Comp in the Project Panel, and then go to AE Scripts and purchase Smart Resize. Install the script, open the UI, and follow the instructions for resizing your main comp. Everything in every layer and every nested comp will be resized correctly.


If your EPS graphics do not scale up without problems, you will need to open them in Illustrator and save them as a PDF-compatible Illustrator file. If there are layers with raster effects (like drop shadow), they will not scale up properly, so remove the effects and apply Drop Shadow in After Effects.


The other option you have, if the EPS layers will scale up, is to turn on CR for every layer in the comp, drop the original master comp in a new 4K comp, turn on CR, and scale the original comp up to fit the comp width. If that works, you don't need to buy Smart Resize. It costs less than lunch, so it's a good idea to have it in your arsenal anyway.





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