Next line & Enter Key
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This is Text layer. When I press the enter key instead of cursor goes to next line it's jump back to H letter. How to fix it? I attached the file. Zoom in is needed to make the cursor visible.
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The video is slightly blurry for me, but I'm wondering about the settings for the line height. It is possible they are very small, so that it is jumping to the next line, but it appears to be the middle?
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Zoom in video is attached.
I tried after rebooting the system but result was same. In the same day with different project cursor went to next line when I pressed the enter key.
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It's the character panel I was talking about being blurry. Can you provide a clearer version of that panel?
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Video is attached
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Is there any preference setting in APPr to decide the cursor movement?
I have APPr as well but it does not this issue. It works fine.
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Cut & past from notepad to composition panel gives this result - texts are one over other.
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Okey I have fixed the issue. Please ingore this question.
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having same problem