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Relative Expanding/Contracting Keyframes not working in AE

New Here ,
Apr 23, 2024 Apr 23, 2024

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I have been using AE for quite a time but not a pro user. However, the problem I am facing might be a gltich or something as previously I was using alt + click to move keyframes proportionately & this worked quite well.

Today, I suddenly saw that it's not working when I select multiple value keyframes even on the same layer. And I beleive its a glitch.
Okay when I started recording a little video to show you guys my issue, the problem got flexible. Opacity layer on one of my layers creating issues. Sometimes it didn't allow other keyframes to move relatively & just caused them to move keeping the distance between them same & sometimes it allowed moving the keyframes relatively. Please watch the attached video to have a look at my issue & support.


#Relative Expanding/Contracting Keyframes not working in AE

Error or problem






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Community Expert ,
Apr 23, 2024 Apr 23, 2024

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I don't know if this is the problem, but the only way I was able to replicate this was if the Opacity property had an extra keyframe after last visible one you are selecting.

When that extra keyframe was selected (by clicking on the property name for example) it prevents the time-scaling behavior (thats what I call what you are doing here) since you are not dragging the last selected keyframe. When that extra keyframe was not selected the time-scaling behavior.

To check if you have an extra keyframe:

  1. Use the Next Keyframe button located to the left of the property names.
  2. Press it until the playhead is at the last keyframe you see and then press it again.
  3. If there is an extra keyframe on the timeline it will jump the playhead to it (if there is no extra keyframe it will stop at the end of the timeline.
         â€¢ If the keyframe is outside of the timeline's duration the button will still work, your screen will just go blank.
  4.  If you find an extra keyframe you can just click the Add/Remove Keyframe button to get rid of it.


If you don't fell like doing this click off the time-vary stopwatch to delete all the keyframe and just remake them.





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