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After a long search I have not found the way to reach this. I can't believe adobe doesn't have a scripting way to do this. Have anyone found a way? It would really help to speed up the output process.
I'd like to have one button for still image and another one for sequences.
1 Correct answer
I finally did it!
At the end I have done it in 3 steps:
1- I run a first script were I setup the Render Queue setting the correct path and the filename.
2- I hit Render
3- I run another script that changes the names of the output files.
This is that 3rd step.
var file = new File (totalFilePath); //path of the file + the fileName.fileExtension
var name =;
Thanks for your replies.
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If you wish to save frame use Ctrl+Alt+S shortcut. You can also use script from VC called FX Console, you can also use old plugin/script called Comp2Clip. You also have script from Lloid Alvarez called Render Frame at Markers. There is plenty of scripts that help with that.
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Hi imeflix!
Thanks for your reply, but no one of those solutions work for me. You can't set up the path and the filename with those methods, and that's what I want to speed up. It's a so simple thing, I can't understand how Adobe has not solve that simple thing yet
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I thought you could give names and paths with Render frame at markers?
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Maybe you can.... but I refuse to pay 15€ to do such a simple thing, and I don't want to add a marker for each comp just to achieve it. Making walkarounds when it's a basic thing doesn't make any sense to me...
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Explain the scenario a bit more as this isn't clear?
You can set an output module for a certain format. But without the marker script, you'd just have to save as frame.
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FX Console from Video Copilot can save a frame on a click to a given - user definded - location. But, it's the same location for all frames you save with this way.
At least, FX Console is for free
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Console from VC do what you need so check that out.
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Sorry, maybe I have not explain what I want properly.
Right now I have a script that does what I want, but with the inconvenience that the output files get that _[#####] that I don't want, and I want to get rid of it, so a way to do it would be through "Save frame as..." but this can't be scripted.
The script works this way:
You select all the compositions you want in the Project tab, and just with one click it sets the name of the file and the path based on the folder the compositions are in, so in a second you have everything set up and you just need to hit "Render". This saves a loooooooot of time, but the problem is that, the _[#####] that I can't get rid of.
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What should be the final outcome?
Do you want to render a composition as image sequence? Do you want to save a frame from serveral comps with one click?
If the latter, focus on setting a name or renaming the output file with your script.
If nothing works, there is always the Advanced Renamer. This would be a second pass in your workflow, but you can set up AR to get rid off _[#####] quite easy and it's made for batch processing (not sure, but if it has command line, you can invoke it with your script right out of AE).
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I finally did it!
At the end I have done it in 3 steps:
1- I run a first script were I setup the Render Queue setting the correct path and the filename.
2- I hit Render
3- I run another script that changes the names of the output files.
This is that 3rd step.
var file = new File (totalFilePath); //path of the file + the fileName.fileExtension
var name =;
Thanks for your replies.
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Did anyone ever figure out how to correct this? I need to export single frame thumbnails of projects I'm creating with scripting. I can't get the numbers to stay off the filenames.