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[SDK] Extending Glator layer bounds help

Explorer ,
Apr 30, 2021 Apr 30, 2021

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Hi guys! Sorry to bother... again...
I`ve been trying a lot to expand the layer bounds using GLator and I cant, for the life of me, do it.
Basically, what happens is the following:
Text layers, shape layers, etc, gets cropped by the bounds, like so:
g2.jpgexpand image
If I try to expand the rectangles with either

UnionLRect(&req.rect, &extra->output->result_rect);
UnionLRect(&req.rect, &extra->output->max_result_rect);

Or by hand, like so:

extra->output->result_rect.right = 1920;
extra->output->result_rect.left = 0;
extra->output->result_rect.bottom = 1080;
extra->output->result_rect.top = 0;

extra->output->max_result_rect.right = 1920;
extra->output->max_result_rect.left = 0;
extra->output->max_result_rect.bottom = 1080;
extra->output->max_result_rect.top = 0;

The layer does not get expanded, it just pins the top left to 0,0 and keeps it size, like so:
g3.jpgexpand image
and what I am trying is to expand to composition size, like so (there is a black layer on bottom of composition here and the effect is applyed to an adjustment layer):
g1.jpgexpand image


I cant figure offsets and sizes for uploading and downloading for openGL. I can resize the input width and height, and openGL accepts and renders that size, but I cant resize the output for download without an access violation.

I am VERY noob, can someone point me in the right direction?


Error or problem , How to , SDK






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