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Separate layers keep moving as one

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Sep 23, 2019 Sep 23, 2019

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Hello! I'm still learning After Effects but I'm working on a Parallax for a class project. I have 4 different layers (3 objects and 1 background) but everytime I try to use the camera everything moves as one layer and there's no depth or differenitating between them.






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Sep 23, 2019 Sep 23, 2019

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It is not showed on your screenshot but probably al of your 3D layers are on that same place in Z space. You have to distribute them and scale in z space to be able to make the depth. There is no way to have a depth if all of your layers are on the same depth 🙂 
So to do that you have to grab Blue arrow of a layer (or go to transform properties of your layers and change third value of position (Z/depth) in preview window and move it closer to your camera or further from it (and scale it to fit your original composition).





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Sep 23, 2019 Sep 23, 2019

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2D layers don'tz respond to cameras and of course to see any parallax even 3D layers will have to have at least some Z position separation. I would strongly urge to actually read up in the help on these basics. AE can be less than intuitive most of the time and you'll never get anywhere if you get stuck on something that basic, no offense.







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Community Expert ,
Sep 23, 2019 Sep 23, 2019

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When you have problems with 3D layers the very first thing you should do is open up at least 2 views. The second thing you should do is select all layers and press the "u" key twice to reveal all modified properties. This will tell you instantly what is going on in the composition. Here's the difference. Your screenshot tells us nothing more than you have a camera and 4 layers:

Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 9.28.15 AM.png

This screenshot of a similar comp that I set up showing a comp with 4 layers and a camera which also has no movement when the camera is moved reveals the problem instantly:

Screenshot_2019-09-23 08.11.52_iqcPwA.png

and that makes it easy to fix:

Screenshot_2019-09-23 08.13.31_vlXDiE.png

It also makes it easier for us to help you if you just drag the screenshots to the forum. It doesn't take any longer than creating a link.


Also, I noticed that your comp is a very odd size and screen ratio. Until you are an expert in video formats and compression it is not a good idea to create custom comp sizes and frame rates. If your comp settings say Custom you should think seriously about using one of the default templates.





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