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I cannot find a solution for this
I am trying to make an animated map and add a camera and make objects 3D. But when I hit the 3D button the SHAPE LAYER dissapears and seems to go on the bottom of all layers even though its on the top. Even the drop shadow dissapeared.
Any solutions for that?
I mananged to fixed it. It was caused by Cinema 4D. I changed it to CLASSIC 3D and it worked.
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Try pressing "P" on your keyboard and setting the digits all to 0 (0.0,0.0,0.0)
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I mananged to fixed it. It was caused by Cinema 4D. I changed it to CLASSIC 3D and it worked.
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Oh yeah that would do it!
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I'm also having this issue but for completely different reasons. In classic 3D but from some reason in AE 2023 if you collapse transformations with everything at zero, it randomly jumps some shape layers by an offset of 500 for no reason. I have all effects, positions zero'd out, switches disabled (except for collapse) and still for no explainable reason it's floating out in space. Very frustrating after 20 somethings years 3D in AE is still hot garbage that doesn't act like a normal 3D editor.
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After wasting some more time changing layers I should've have to, the problem is also this decade old bug where layer order determines with layers decide to actually show up or not. For example, all zero'd out layers with 3D switches enabled and no effects, collapse transformations:
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Layer 4
Result: Nothing showing up, all the layers above are magically gone
Switch it up with one layer out of order:
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 4
Layer 3
Result: Everything looks normal now and is not missing.
In this instance I had to do that, plus bring layers that should be behind text to top of comp order, then null and offset them back by -1 and they finally displayed correctly. Like I said hot garabge that's unacceptable really after all this time.