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Hello all,
I'm writing this post to point at a common mistake that may waste a lot of time as happened to me, Although I'm not beginner, but I had that silly experience.
one of my comps in AE was showing black scren in composition window, sounds are played, new layers are okay, but all other layers not visible!
I checked all layers for opacity, scale and position to make sure it's all correct, then tried a bunch of bug fixes available on Adobe forum for AE, then after no short time, I discovered that it was all about one null layer scaled to "0" with all thoses layers parented to!
Although it seems too silly and funny but I just want to say, double and tripple check everything before thinking of bug fixes!
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I've experienced something similar. I can understand how frustrating it could be.
Thanks for taking the time to create the post.
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Thanks Nishu