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Hey I figured this out myself! You just have to change the keyframes' spacial interpolation type from "linear" to literally any of the other options. You can do this by right clicking on a keyframe and clicking "keyframe interpolation" on the pop up menu, and changing it there
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Hey I figured this out myself! You just have to change the keyframes' spacial interpolation type from "linear" to literally any of the other options. You can do this by right clicking on a keyframe and clicking "keyframe interpolation" on the pop up menu, and changing it there
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You can also do this directly in the Comp window by using the Convert Vertex Tool (it's one of the tools sharing space with the Pen).
Just use the Convert Vertex Tool to click and drag on any vertex (Anchor Point) on the Motion Path.
You can also change the preference:
1. After Effects > Setting (Mac) > General or Edit > Preferences > General
2. Disable Default Spatial Interpolation to Linear.
All motion paths will now default to bezier (with handles)