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Visual Glitch in Preview and Export (while using 3D Camera)

New Here ,
Aug 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2023

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I'm having a frustrating glitch in After Effects that I can't seem to figure out. While the composition uses a 3D camera that's moving down a list (of pollutants), a white rectangle appears in the upper left corner. The rectangle changes shape and, for a period in the composition, it completely blocks the entire view, making the entire screen white.


Strangely, the glitch changes based on the resolution selected for previews (when toggling from Full to Half to Quarter, etc). Annoyingly, these glitches stay in the composition when I do a full export, so I can't just ignore them.


AE Glitch.jpg


I have toggled through all of my pre-compositions and the rectangle isn't a) an errant shape object I created or b) tied to one particular layer, exactly. It's always associated with this list of pollutants, but there are numerous sub-layers that when I isolate so that only that one sub-layer is on, the rectangle is present. I can also make the rectangle shrink and then go away entirely if I change the angle of x-rotation with the 3D camera...so in theory I could get around this glitch by making that change, but that would mess up the visual look I'm going for in this composition.


I have or course tried purging the memory and disk cache, saving and then restarting the program, restarting the computer, etc. My graphics card driver seems to be up-to-date, and I'm running out of potential fixes that I can think of myself.


If anyone has any ideas, particularly if you've seen something similar, I would much appreciate the help!






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