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zoomable map like Google maps

New Here ,
Jan 10, 2014 Jan 10, 2014

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Hi everybody,

I started a discussion a few weeks days about the zoom of vector based elements – some things worked but there's one main problem left.

In my current project I need to find out how create a zoom like in this example of a map.

Here the continent is scaling while the typography has a consistent size at any zoom factor.

In my last discussion you helped me a lot with an expression but it's not working for this case. I have an example uploaded here that shows what I mean. The "pipe" outline keeps its size with the help of an expression although the camera is moving towards it. That works great.
For the "object" I cannot use the expression because it has different attributes. But it also should have the same size at any time. At the moment it's scaling The expression doesn't seem to work for vector based elements, could it be?

Can you please help me out? Would be so great!

Thanks for any help!





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Community Expert ,
Jan 10, 2014 Jan 10, 2014

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Same expression applied to the scale of a 3D text layer.




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New Here ,
Jan 10, 2014 Jan 10, 2014

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Sorry, there's a little misunderstanding. I want the expression getting to work for a path shape, not for a text layer.

The expression is perfectly working for a rectangle. A rectangle has the attribute "size" on which you applied the expression in your example file.

But if I draw a path I do not get the attribute "size", only "position", "scale" or "alignment". And the expression is not working for those attributes. In my example that I posted I need the shape layer "object" keep the same size at any time – no matter what the camera does. For this reason I attached the example with the Google zoom 😉




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Jan 13, 2014 Jan 13, 2014

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In your earlier thread, would my response not work for what you're asking for? It gets you elements locked to the 3d coordinates of a map without their apprent size changing as the camera moves closer..




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New Here ,
Jan 15, 2014 Jan 15, 2014

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In this folder you will find a cutout of my map that was constructed in Illustrator so far. Maybe it helps you to understand what I'm exactly talking about. The expressions work quite well if I draw a path in AE and animate it – that's no problem. But since my Illustrator project file has huge dimensions I don't have the time to rebuilt the whole thing in AE.

Isn't it possible to import the layer "stroke" from my Illustrator file as a vector grapic / path in AE and animate it with the expression? In the internet I've read about scaling the Illustrator file to the maximum size you would like to have and scale it down than in AE. This way you will get a pixel accurate result. But I even have problems to import objects from AI to AE as a stroke – not as a mask.

So here's once again a short summary what my plan is:

> import the AI file as vector to AE
> create a zoom out of the map from 200% to 100%
> the layer "stroke" should keep the same stroke weight at any zoom factor (how to treat the dotted lines? Especially the distance between the dots?)

> the objects should also keep the same size at any zoom factor (distance between them behaves analogous to the zoom)

Could you please send an example of how to do it? I really don't know what to do It seems so complex and tricky but looks so easy when you see Google or Bing Maps

Thanks a lot so far!




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