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Glowing Eyes Effect?

Contributor ,
Oct 23, 2017 Oct 23, 2017

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So I'm wanting to put some glowing eyes on one of my actors in a scene I'm working on for my studio class. He's wearing a ski mask on, but backwards (so it's just straight fabric covering up his entire face. I want to try and get a glow similar to the glow of the Glint's Gaze mask from Guild Wars 2. Here is a video detailing the effect.

GW2 Glint's Gaze Mask (500 gems) - YouTube

The "smoke" coming off of the eyes would DEFINITELY be a plus, but I can imagine how difficult that would be to make in 2D post processing, so if it's too difficult, I just won't worry about it. However, the glowing eyes would certainly add a bit to my scene, especially if I can get it to be a dark and menacing red. I found some tutorials that used a plugin called "Optical Flares," but it's quite expensive, and the final result didn't look that good anyway. Are there any options I can use that won't be super expensive? Thanks in advance!






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Oct 23, 2017 Oct 23, 2017

Hi ethandale

you can create the lens flares using photoshop then you make that effect is possible or
You flow this tutorial  After Effects Tutorial: Custom LENS FLARES with No Plugins - YouTube to create lens flares.

After that, you can make all lens flares images to 3d layers then you composite with that.

then you make it what your thinking.

Note: Saber plugin is all so free you can use that too.

VIDEO COPILOT | After Effects Tutorials, Plug-ins and Stock Footage for Post Production Professionals





Community Beginner ,
Oct 23, 2017 Oct 23, 2017

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Hi ethandale

you can create the lens flares using photoshop then you make that effect is possible or
You flow this tutorial  After Effects Tutorial: Custom LENS FLARES with No Plugins - YouTube to create lens flares.

After that, you can make all lens flares images to 3d layers then you composite with that.

then you make it what your thinking.

Note: Saber plugin is all so free you can use that too.

VIDEO COPILOT | After Effects Tutorials, Plug-ins and Stock Footage for Post Production Professional...

This is I was created in photoshop.


This is saber plugin output:

Comp 1 (0-00-02-02).jpg





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Contributor ,
Oct 24, 2017 Oct 24, 2017

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Ah, this is incredible! I wish I had heard of that Saber plugin back before I made all of my "Star Wars" themed projects in the past. I spent way too long messing around with layers and rectangles just to have it be shown up by this plugin in seconds! 😜 thanks so much! I'll use this for the glowing eyes!





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