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The media used is video.
I've made the first mask around an object.
Now, I've made a second mask inside the first mask, which creates an empty hole.
Question: How to animate both masks at the same time, so they both follow the same path?
(both masks in sync with each other as they magically move around the screen)
It turns out there is a SIMPLE way to have BOTH masks follow the same path, on a single layer.
1) Create your first mask.
2) Create your second mask (either inside the mask or anywhere else, doesn't matter)
Then, to animate both masks to follow the same path simply:
Highlight all the points (vertices) for BOTH masks and adjust/move the points to any direcdtion you want.
By highlighting all the points it connects the 2 masks and treats them as one.
It's the same thing as animating a regular mask, bu
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Please post a screenshot of the footage, or this thread will just fumble around like the previous one.
The short answer is no - two masks on a single layer can not be linked. But depending on your footage there are many possibilities.
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OH, will that is the answer then.
2 masks can not be linked while making the path.
Thanks, Sorry for the wasted time.
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I assure you the image is not irrelevant. But if you don't want to provide the info, no problem.
As I said above, the short answer to the short question is no. You can't link one mask to another on a layer. You'll need to individually animate the two masks.
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OH, will that is the answer then.
2 masks can not be linked while making the path.
Thanks, Sorry for the wasted time.
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It turns out there is a SIMPLE way to have BOTH masks follow the same path, on a single layer.
1) Create your first mask.
2) Create your second mask (either inside the mask or anywhere else, doesn't matter)
Then, to animate both masks to follow the same path simply:
Highlight all the points (vertices) for BOTH masks and adjust/move the points to any direcdtion you want.
By highlighting all the points it connects the 2 masks and treats them as one.
It's the same thing as animating a regular mask, but just highlighting both will control both.
Easy Breezy.
P.S. control + A might not highlight all the points on both. I use the regular pointer, click hold and drag to highlighted all points manually.
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But this mean re-doing all your original mask animation work?
What you've described is basic path drawing protocol, but the question you asked described an entirely different requirement. This whole discussion has been quite infuriating as you've moved the goal post numerous times.
But I'm glad you've found a solution anyways. 🙂
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That was a different post. This post asked a specific question about linking 2 masks and having them follow the same path. No harm no foul. Movin on. Thanks.