Hello! It would be very useful and necessary to have the possibility to create Bins in the audition Project panel. There are sessions with many files. Having the option to create bins as in Premiere or After Effects would be more ordered. Thank you
Basic file management doesn't exist in Audition like it does in every other Adobe software. The ability to add folders and place files inside those folders when working inside Audition would be HUGE, just like you can in Premiere and After Effects. This is a must have organizational feature that has always been missing.
Please please please add this. It makes me regret going with audition when I start having complex sound mixes and can not find certain sounds quickly from the files window. It'd be immensely helpful to group sounds together in Bins. Organize by Scene, by type, etc.
Instead of folders, think about Smart Folders (a folder the contains clip with the 'searched for' words or characteristics) or filters would also help. If you could have multiple criteria (Subject,ShootDay, etc.) to filter on then I don't think I'd need folders. Right I now I need folders.
Please!!!! This needs to happen ASAP. The lack of an organizational structure with the UI is absolutely ridiculous. It is a serious hinderance to the creative process. I avoid using Audition for film sound design and mixing and use Premiere instead purely for this reason. Help us, Adobe...
I've been using Audition to edit short radio pieces for a couple of years now, and I've loved it. But recently, I began working on longer-form audio (a podcast, with lots of archival sound, SFX, music and interviews) and I HATE how much time I'm wasting scrolling up and down the file list looking for specific files. When I'm editing video with Premiere, file organization is so easy, so I'm really stumped as to why bins and folders weren't included in Audition. Please, please fix this, so I don't have to teach myself another audio editing software to save my sanity!
I agree with pretty much everyone here, an After Effects or Premiere style bin structure would be incredibly helpful. I too tend to work on longer form projects with a lot of sound effects and music - audio to picture doc, narrative, and corporate type work. Although I can organize everything at the Mac Finder level, I tend to keep an external drive containing my entire SFX and Music library on it - which is thousands of files from years of projects. I'd prefer to not have to create a subfolder at the Finder level from project to project in order to narrow that selection down to sounds that are appropriate for that one project. Having bins in Audition that would allow me to drag in the sounds and music I want from my "master" drives, organize them in Audition, would work a lot better. Having any changes I make to those files be automatically non-destructive to the original file would be great too. (Again, just like Premiere or AE). Thanks.
I know this might be a bit more complicated, but it would be great if you could also 'collapse' or 'expand' multi-tracks in the same way that in after effects you can nest more complicated projects into other projects. For example, lets say you have a gunshot sfx that consists of three different sound effects combined into one. You could create this gunshot in one multi-track, and then nest that gunshot mulittrack into a larger multi-track anytime that you want to use the gunshot sound. This way, you dont have to keep having 3 layers of sound everytime you want to use one gunshot sound effect. Protools doesnt have anything like this and it could be a game changer, no one would have to sit and make stems all day long.
I 100% agree with this. Having come from an NLE offline editor background and starting to learn Audition, the lack of organisational tools is baffling. I'm only 25% through sound design on a short film and the project's an absolute mess and nightmare to deal with. A little project organisation goes an awful long way.
I'm throwing my vote into this discussion. I'm just getting into podcast producing, and coming from a video editing background I find the lack of bins/folders for file organization extreeeeemly frustrating. I cannot see any redeeming value to just dumping all audio files loosely into one bin with no way to organize. Please add bins/folders!
Please do this. We use Audition for creating our podcast and I come from the world of professional video editing. Audition's non-existent organizational features makes me really want to jump ship. But we already pay for CC and I don't want to move over to Pro Tools because we use LR, PS, PP and AE. However, this feature request has been going on since 2014 as far as I can tell and unless Adobe is willing to at least come out with some way of creating folders, renaming files from within the application, and (fingers crossed) creating a workflow that is completely non-destructive, I don't see a reason to continue using Audition for anything other than extremely simple NR or other quick video-related fixes. Adobe, try creating a 30 minute narrative piece in Audition with music, sound effects, etc. You'll be pulling your hair out too.
dear god please add this. i'm also about to jump ship because i can't simply rename a file without having to reimport it into every project. it's insane.
I bet there is some underlying political decision behind the obvious fact that there is no folder-structure/bins in Audition. It smells exactly like it did with Speed Grade, and I wouldn't be surprised if Audition gets thrown out soon in favour of "all cool audio-tools in Premiere".
If any Adobe-rep claims "It's technically complicated", that rep is just making it up to keep people not jumping ship. Adobe can make a bin-solution within hours if they want to.
The only reason they haven't pulled the plug yet, is because Protools is so ugly. The moment Protools get over to this side of year 2000 (user interface-wize), Adobe will pull the plug.
I love Audition, and use it daily in all my productions. The lack of a file-managing solution drives me crazy, but I just don't see it coming. I really hope I am wrong on this one.
Yes this is a critical update. We are trying to work between multiple projects so having them all together with folders would be a huge productivity savings.
Preparing the production of a larger docu-podcast for my news organization now. Planned to start using Audition for this project, but now more likely switching to Final Cut (which I already know well). Yes, a video editor, with audio tools not nearly as powerful as Audition. But I fear Auditions lack of ability to organize my several hundred audio files simply will cost me too much time.
Right at this very moment I'm working on a project in Audition. Why is this under review. It is an obvious defect in design. Basically take everything in PPro 2019 project management and bin and search and put it in audition, as it is applicable. Bins, sub bins, hide, meta markup, etc, project management, search...