i keep getting this message when i try to do anything in photoshop a second time what i mean is when first opened photoshop works when i close the first image the go to do anything else i get the message: Could not complete your request because of a program error.i have uninstalled and reinstalled photoshop cc but no difference i have taken a couple of screen shots which i hope will give you more information
i hope you can solve this problem as i am at my wits end
Have the same issues after updating to 10.10.1 -I can open a PSD file on first launch..then after that receive the error message "Could not complete your request because of a program error." Removed preferences and same result. First file opens fine.... and thereafter no dice.
Hi Jeffrey, As suggested, I updated to 10.10.1 and do not have 'enable generator' checked. I still have the issue both opening and I also noticed 'placing' causes same dialogue box. Thanks.
1) Is the Libraries panel visible? If you hide/close it and restart PS, does the problem persist?
2) To eliminate other variables, can you try creating a new Admin user account and run in SafeMode to see if the problem persists. (Instructions for both can be found here: http://bit.ly/Troubleshoot_PS)
After I installed Mac OS Yosemite PS will only open ONE file.
Any subsequent files I attempt to open result in an error message "could not complete your request because of a program error' which then forces me to quit PS as I cannot open any other files.
Am dead in the water - how do I fix this?
If you haven't tried it yet, go to Disc Utility and run a verify and repair permissions on your OS 10.10 volume. That might help mitigate the program error.
My guess is the application support folder for Adobe is messed up. (I've see OS upgrades or user Migration Assistant mess permissions up like this more often than I'd like to see.)
Mine was same except staff and everyone was "custom"...but....I went ahead unlocked the folder...and then applied Read Only to this and all inside folders for 'staff' and 'everyone' and Read & Write for me...and it seems to be working now!
I dove in late last night - First, I uninstalled Creative Cloud, Photoshop CC 14, Indesign CC and Lightroom 5. After that I reinstalled Yosemite. Then I installed Creative Cloud - followed by PS and Indesign but, since it was late, I spaced out and forgot to install Lightroom 5. Photoshop is working great atm. The problem is solved for me. And altho likely not related, I'm feeling a bit cautious about installing Lightroom - will wait until I need it for my project.