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Scaling Images with shift no longer works after update (20.0)

Community Beginner ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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After updating to CC 2019, I am not longer able to scale images evenly simply by holding shift.

I went to keyboard shortcuts and found a "scale" shortcut that was unassigned, so i assigned it to "S" as it simply wouldn't let me assign shift:


Now it seems to only want to scale evenly and won't let me scale however I want simply by dragging the corner of the image. Sometimes it doesn't go evenly when I transform with Ctrl+T and scales evenly after I press S, but wont let me go back to scaling unevenly.

Any Ideas?




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correct answers 3 Correct answers

Participant , Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

Proportional scaling (without holding Shift) is now a default. Holding Shift while scaling now behaves in precisely the opposite manner, despite decades of precedent and the fact that every other application uses Shift-drag for proportional scaling.

Why? Who knows. This is easily one of the most unnecessary and counterintuitive changes Adobe has ever made.

Details and instructions for how to disable it are at the link below.

New and enhanced features | Latest release of Photoshop CC


Community Expert , Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

Lots of people reporting this as a bug but it's a new feature. The behaviour in previous versions has now been reversed. Default is now proportional (constrain) - no Shift required. Shift for non-proportional.

New and enhanced features | Latest release of Photoshop CC

Scaling Images with shift no longer works after update (20.0)

It can be disabled if required (refer "New and enhanced..." link above - steps from that link reproduced below).

How do I turn off the new proportional scaling by default be



Community Expert , Oct 16, 2018 Oct 16, 2018

It's a new feature. The old behaviour has been reversed. Default = proportional (constrain). Shift for non-proportional. Few people see any logic in this change.

Plenty of forum posts on this

Scaling Images with shift no longer works after update (20.0)

CC20 transform tool: Shift doesn't keep Aspect ratio

The new behaviour can be disabled.

To revert to the legacy transform behavior, do the following:

  1. Use Notepad (Windows) or a text editor on Mac OS to create a plain text file (.txt).
  2. Type the text belo


replies 481 Replies 481
Nov 16, 2018 Nov 16, 2018

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Let's change female bodies to male's & vice versa (leaving own brain). Just because some (Wo)men were born as (Wo)men.




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New Here ,
Nov 23, 2018 Nov 23, 2018

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How to downgrade all the shortcuts? Lost 1 day of work and a deadline for this!!!




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 25, 2018 Nov 25, 2018

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Shift + Drag has been a staple action ALL of my working career, going on now for 25 years. Not only is it a consistent shortcut action across ALL Adobe application but it is consistent shortcut action for ALL applications form EVERY developer period for the past 3 decades. Deciding to change this function would be like switching "Control C" with "Control V" then telling us "well, with a few lines of code you can switch it back" Seriously, is that your answer???? This is the biggest stuff up in the history of stuff ups when it comes to updating software and "making improvements", and Adobe has made some monumental stuff ups. All Adobe had to do was place a toggle under "transform tool" to turn this function on or off which would allow the end user to decide if they wanted to use Adobe's latest brain fart idea or not.

I have read some of the replies on this forum and they are calling this a "feature", I beg to differ. This is insanity, this is topsy-turvy land where "up is down" and "day is night".  Adobe charges their customers an absolute fortune for annual subscriptions and the best they can do is allow us we can scale graphics without using the Shift key? I would hate to see what they plan to do next year... change the number on the box and add 30% to the price. I read in the forum above that someone said a majority of Adobe users like this change where are they getting their information from??? I did a quick survey in my office and all six users hate this change and can't fathom why Adobe would implement this without a toggle to switch it off.




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Enthusiast ,
Nov 25, 2018 Nov 25, 2018

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but it is consistent shortcut action for ALL applications form EVERY developer period for the past 3 decades.

That is just BS. Not to mention that it wasn't a good standard to begin with. Resizing from a corner should maintain aspect ratio; if you want to resize in X or Y, then drag a side handle or the top or bottom handle.  That's totally intuitive.  The most common case should be the default. If you're going to argue that you want to ruin the aspect ratio of the selection in most cases, you're pushing a strawman.

Not to mention that Shift never made sense. Control at least would make sense, because you're controlling the scaling to maintain the aspect ratio.

The problem here is Adobe's half-assed (inconsistent) changeover.




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Explorer ,
Nov 26, 2018 Nov 26, 2018

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Mobius, we can take at face value that you are correct, that your way makes a lot more sense. That fine and all, but that's not the decades-long protocol or convention to which millions of users are accustomed. It's like arbitrarily deciding to rearrange some keys on the keyboard because they "make more sense (to you)", or switching the gas and the brake on a car because more people are left footed or something, and then *forcing* everyone to adapt to your sensibilities. I have no problem with creating more options, but by not having an actual option to toggle, they totally screwed us over.




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Participant ,
Nov 26, 2018 Nov 26, 2018

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Thank you, this is the most sensible comment on the topic. I totally agree.




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Participant ,
Nov 27, 2018 Nov 27, 2018

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So try to resize X or Y by dragging the side, top or bottom handle. I even urge you to try and disable the proportion lock In the transformation menu. What's your experience?




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Engaged ,
Nov 28, 2018 Nov 28, 2018

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Somehow it has taken until now for me to realize that the new constrain scale by default only applies to pixels - NOT to scaling of a  work path -until it has been saved. So scaling a Work Path requires shift to constrain, but the same path when SAVED is constrained when scaling by default. This seems very inconsistent, which is what I thought Adobe was aiming to correct. Apologies if this has already been discussed, there are too many replies to read all.




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Enthusiast ,
Nov 28, 2018 Nov 28, 2018

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FauxtoGuy  wrote

Somehow it has taken until now for me to realize that the new constrain scale by default only applies to pixels - NOT to scaling of a  work path -until it has been saved.

That is a glaring defect. Isn't the resolution of defects what we're supposedly paying for with the "rental" model?  If the sink is clogged in my rental apartment, I call them and they scurry over to fix it.

So far, Adobe has clogged a lot of toilets and there's not a plunger in sight.




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Participant ,
Nov 29, 2018 Nov 29, 2018

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Hey Adobe!- When you going to fix this???




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Community Expert ,
Nov 29, 2018 Nov 29, 2018

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you are aware that this is pretty much a user forum and those of us that are here to help are not Adobe employees, right?




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Participant ,
Nov 29, 2018 Nov 29, 2018

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DaveJCummings  wrote

you are aware that this is pretty much a user forum and those of us that are here to help are not Adobe employees, right?

Ate you aware that

  1. People, with "stuff" badge and "adobe employee" in profile.are Adobe employees and here is only chance to reach them in open discussion, ?
  2. It's the only community friendly touchpoint, because Photoshop team doesn't use uservoice




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 26, 2018 Nov 26, 2018

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couldn't agree more, give us the option to switch back, or if you are going to force it on us, at least do it across all apps, how stupid is to make us re-learn something (that i've been using since 1994) but not do it across the board? Or do Adobe things everyone just uses photoshop and not the rest of the apps they make like illustrator, premiere, indesign, after effects??? There are 5 pages of people complaining here and probably 3 people that don't mind this change, where did they get the numbers that a lot of users are liking thing change?

And there is more, have anyone noticed it's not even consistent across tools inside photoshop?

- create a box shape for example, that is free transform until you hold shift

- marquee, crop
they all have the old way by holding shift to go square or fix proportions....

Funny enough there isn't a single reply from adobe on this matter... obviously they don't really give a fk about us that pay a bucket load of money to them.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 26, 2018 Nov 26, 2018

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dk13  wrote

couldn't agree more, give us the option to switch back, ...

Funny enough there isn't a single reply from adobe on this matter...

Hi dk13​,

This is a user forum to offer help for how to do things in Adobe software, manned mostly by volunteers. For bug reports and feature requests, it's best to post to Photoshop Family Customer Community, where the engineers will see it.

The workaround for switching back is in the "correct answer" on this thread, so scroll up to see it.






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Community Beginner ,
Nov 26, 2018 Nov 26, 2018

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jane-e​ Thanks Jane,

Yes i've already implemented the fix and works like a treat, if engineers or anyone from adobe don't monitor these forums, why is everyone still ranting about it here and not on the proper Family Costumer Community forum? I was under the impression Adobe reads and takes this as a feedback future updates. If that not the case, why don't just accept the solution to the problem as the correct answer and close this post for further comments, maybe put a note saying: if you want to complain about this go to the other forum, where someone is actually going to read and do something about it.






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Participant ,
Nov 26, 2018 Nov 26, 2018

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I‘m also glad there is a fix, although if anything should be a checkbox in Preferences... If Adobe engineers aren’t monitoring the forums, then they are bigger idiots than this latest boneheaded move suggests. These forums are filled with golden nuggets of formation of the kind many serious companies pay money for in focus groups, user satisfaction surveys, etc. 




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Community Expert ,
Nov 26, 2018 Nov 26, 2018

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Hi dk13,

There is some input from Adobe staff, but it is a user forum. This change with scaling has generated a lot of discussion in multiple threads. When we close a thread too soon, people don’t like that either! I’m glad you have it working the way you like, though.






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Explorer ,
Nov 30, 2018 Nov 30, 2018

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Here's the problem for me:

Scale proportionally is now the default in Photoshop. However, it is not the default in Illustrator or InDesign.

Like many professional graphic designers, I use all three programs daily. It slows me down when I have to do the same thing different ways -- opposite ways -- in the different programs.

It has the potential to cause real problems and errors in my work. If I accidentally change the proportion of a client's logo or photo by just a little bit, I may not notice, but it will be wrong in the final printed file. A mistake like that could cost me a lot of real money in reprints and lost clients.

I also teach. For years, I've been telling my students to hold down shift to keep proportions. This has been true for InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, PowerPoint, Word... most software my students are likely to use. Now they have to remember that there is a rule and an exception. (And because I teach, I won't use code to modify how Photoshop works, because I'm not going to tell my students to make that change.)

One more thing: my office mate is getting very tired of hearing me say "Damn!" and undoing and holding my left hand (my usual modifier key hand) up in the air while I rescale items in Photoshop.




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Nov 30, 2018 Nov 30, 2018

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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2018 Dec 01, 2018

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This update (to reverse the default behavior of a most useful feature) is HORRIBLE. Adobe...please bring back UNCONSTRAINED Transform as Default. Before I knew about hitting Shift, even when I hit the Unlock icon in the toolbar to unlock aspect ratio, it still constrains!! Maddening. I've never ever posted on Adobe forums until now. This is how angry I am over what should be obvious UX - Shift has always been used to constrain aspect ratio in all things design - to reverse this behavior is insane.




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Enthusiast ,
Dec 02, 2018 Dec 02, 2018

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jinaz66426079  wrote

Shift has always been used to constrain aspect ratio in all things design

No. We discussed this above.




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New Here ,
Dec 12, 2018 Dec 12, 2018

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Before I knew about hitting Shift, even when I hit the Unlock icon in the toolbar to unlock aspect ratio, it still constrains!!

Exactly! I just spent a half hour (of company time) trying to figure out how to do something I do every day! What is that icon there for?!? You can turn it on and off all day and it does nothing!

Please stop making things "better" when there's nothing wrong with it - This makes no sense




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Participant ,
Dec 13, 2018 Dec 13, 2018

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Good point- just shows what a bungled job they made of this.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 02, 2018 Dec 02, 2018

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I just wish Adobe would have released an update to PS now to revert this "feature" with the following note:

"You guys asked and we heard you. Sorry about that"

But that would never happen in a 100000000 years, i guess the only way is accept they DGAF about their paying users and use the .txt hack to revert the "feature" yourself.




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Explorer ,
Dec 04, 2018 Dec 04, 2018

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You're a star John Waller​

Adobe, what are were you thinking!!




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