Why pn earth would Adobe drop this hugely successful and uniqe set of plug-ins/filters! I know a lot of people are very unhappy about this. I really hope Adobe changes its mind and comes out with an upgrade/patch to fix this problem.
FYI - Legacy downloads for the Pixel Bender plug-in that are compatible with Photoshop CS4, Photoshop CS5 (12.0) and Photoshop CS5 (12.1) have been relocated from Adobe Labs and consolidated here:
Thank you all for your interest in and enthusiasm for Pixel Bender. Pixel Bender has been offered in the past on Adobe Labs as a technology preview. As of CS6, we're no longer providing Pixel Bender as a Labs technology. Photoshop CS6 has taken the Pixel Bender filter most popular with customers, Oil Paint, and turned it into an official feature in CS6. Photoshop CS6 no longer supports Pixel Bender for 3rd party development.
I am one of the unhappy people Randall is referring to.
I also hope Adobe changes their mind - this was one of the cooler aspects of a classic app.
In addition, the "oil paint" filter that was added to CS 6 does not produce as pleasant or useful results as the old standby Pixel Bender version. The new version actually offers LESS control over the output than the older version. Why??
I also miss Pixel Bender in CS6! So bring it back, but please with an up to date userinterface! Not the one you use for the Oil paintfilter! We need something like the one that blur gallrey uses.
Having spent several months to develope Pixelbender filters that work in photoshop and flash, I really need this plugin back. I don't want to be stucked with CS5. Please put it back into the line.
I was an early adopter of Pixelbender, more as a user, and I'd gotten accustomed to the fine degree of control it gave you over thing normally reserved for Maya or Houdini. It was an awesome solution for getting certain looks across in my concept art. I simply don't see how you could announce a product plug in for photoshop last July (as dated in the forum) and then by december gauge that there was not enough interest to merit continued support. That's what you call giving up on your customers.
Need pixelbender for CS6 badly! Dont want to have to go back to CS5 every time i want to bend some pixels!! Use this software for major parts of all my artwork!
I was also a pixel bender user and am sad that it isn't usable in CS6. I agree that the oil paint that was incorporated is not as good as the pixel bender one with the fine tune slider.
Adobe needs to continue development of their PB plug-in or release it as open source, so we may at least have a change to continue using it in CS6 and future releases. Instead of worrying about a piece of unique software that might not be of great interest to the majority of its users, I think they should care about it even if there were only a hundred loyal users!
I regret the upgrade to CS6 through the Creative Cloud, only to find out about major incompatibility issues, including that 3rd party software.
I agree. When I want to use the Oil Paint filter, I always go back to CS 5.5. The implementation of the filter in CS 6 is missing capabilities that are in the old one, and you've added a reflectance slider that is simply useless.
You took a great thing and messed it up. Fail.
Photoshop CS6: Is it no longer possible for my students to generate Droste effects that are created with a Pixel Bender filter? They are truly upset. A workaround would be wonderful! Any help would be welcomed.
If somebody at Adobe is reading all these comments would you please at least acknowledge that you are aware of all the complaints and that you at least recognise that by not making CS6 compatible with Pixel Bender, Adobe has made a lot of people very unhappy! I would really like to know that somebody in the Adobe production/development department is getting these messages.
Seems like a plausible explanation to me – after all Pixel bender was offered on Adobe Labs free of charge and if I understood correctly it was aimed at Flash-users more than Photoshop-users.
But explanatory value aside it does seem a pity that a team was disbanded and this feature abandoned ...
Ok, I really don't understand. I have no idea how these things work. Did the team that developed PB, who have now left, have some sort of propriatory rights to the plug-in? If not, is there really no one there that knows how to physically make CS6 compatible with PB? Seems hard to believe. We're talking about the hugest, most powerful company in the graphic/photographic industry. The statement that "there's just not a lot we can do about it," really is difficult to accept.
Like I said, I have no idea about the legal aspects or logistics of software development. But if I have to stay with CS5 or lose PB, and if no amount of public out-cry is going to change that, then I would at least like a reasonabe and understandible explanation.
Sorry, but this is too easy. The Photoshop team could do everything about this. What if they decided to back out? Would that be the end of Photoshop too?
That's your explanation?! Maybe I'm not understanding what "Photoshop Family" actually is. Are you Adobe employees? Who is it within the Adobe empire that does have control over software development?
The Photoshop team did not write PixelBender, and does not have the specialized knowledge to maintain the code in PixelBender. PixelBender was written by another team, in another organization - and that team is gone.
Again, the Photoshop team can't do much about this. We wanted PixelBender, we spent a lot of time helping them get their plugin up shippable standards - but now the team that wrote it is gone, due to decisions outside of the Photoshop team's control.
"another organization"? What organization are you talking about?
Who wrote the Oilpaint filter for CS6? That "other team" or the Photoshop team?
Anyway, if Pixel Bender comes back any time, it should get the new UI that the blur gallery uses.