I am very sad that you are planning to remove normal map tool from Photoshop. I'm making a game and creating a large amount of textures (PBR materials), in my opinion they're top quality and photorealistic, and I tested many most popular programs for materials, and all of them ended up being just useless time-wasting things with gimmic tools. Photoshop lets me create photorealistic materials exactly how I want, and doesn't do this and that thing with some weird algorithm, so I have to fix it by hand for half an hour then because it creates artifacts, every time. To be concrete I'm talking about the tool that makes a texture tileable, in Adobe 3D sampler.
I'm sure that MANY people have this opinion and are using the normal map tool in Photoshop. Just search ''how to create a normal map'' on Youtube, almost all of the videos are in Photoshop...
If somebody wants to see, I can post renders of the materials I've made 🙂 As I said it was the best quality/speed method.