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Stop Forcing Changes

Explorer ,
Nov 13, 2023 Nov 13, 2023

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Please stop forcing your changes on me. I don't want to have to hold shift to resize something. I don't want to open a document in an Artboard. I don't want to have to research your reason for it and how to change it back. I want to open Photoshop and work...I dont' want to open Photoshop and discover your latestest change. Check your ego at your sandbox. I don't give two turtles about what you think is the latest and greatest.  Don't add a tool tip, don't add a banner don't add one more distraction. You're not that special. 
Leave legacy along, develop a solution for beta discovery. Allow those in discovery mode to discovery your latest feature. Allow those who want to work to stay in legacy mode, to work. Stop slowing me down. I don't care about you and your feature. When I do, I will. I just want to work. Some work never gets used or discovered, that's called being an artist. When you develop something worth talking about then you'll get discovered. Until then (vulgar language removed)


Stop changing legacy functionality you're polluting your fan base.  That combined with price gouging you Adobe is falling in the same company as BlockBuster. Your loyal customers are hoping you fail, and fail hard. (vulgar language removed). Your not that special. 

Imagine someone moving the keys on a piano. Do you think artist would continue to play it no there would be a revolt. I've been playing adobe for over 15 years stop moving legacy functions. 

Go through your feedback and put everything back like it was. Rather than new features hit the reset button and win back your fan base. 

There should be a list of untouchable tools, functions and features. Don't touch them. You're not that special. 


(Extra topics removed)



Idea No status
macOS , Windows




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Community Expert ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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Your rant is not helpful or coherent. This forum is for peer to peer help. We are users, just like you - "Adobe" isn't listening or reading. You don't have to hold shift to resize unless you want to change the aspect ratio. No idea what you are on about with artboards. Turn off the tooltips and control lots of other things in the preferences. 


If you have real issues that need to be solved, please post them and we can give you solutions.

Melissa Piccone | Adobe Trainer | Online Courses Author | Fine Artist




Community Expert ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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@amERICax777 easy solution - no one is forcing you to upgrade your Photoshop.

Stay on the version you like. 

Do not pass go, do not collect $200, turn off auto updates and do not upgrade.





Explorer ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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The idea: Make a list of untouchable features, functions, shortcuts, update the list throughout the life of the software and don't touch them. The core fanbase will only boil with frustration. 

This is what you get when I'm frustrated with no option to edit. Coherency suffers along with spelling. I posted this in ideas. To say Adobe isn't listening is sad. I believe you are right, because if they were, a long time user wouldn't be so frustrated with them. So here I am making incoherent, misspelled statements.  Where do I post so they can hear me? That may be my core issue, they aren't listening. I provided two examples, two straws that broke the camel's back...don't get fixated on them. 

Going back to the piano example there are black keys and there are white keys on every piano. If the creator changed placement or functionality of those keys, for long time users then discontent would rise. The point or the idea I'm proposing is identify the black and white keys in Adobe and don't change them.

I'll give you another example the Zoom feature... (cursing removed) could they make that any worse? It should be the same across all Adobe products...nope. Maybe the idea should be more user testing.    




Explorer ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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I pay $60+ every month. Don't change the functionality and placement of my black and white keys. It's up to Adobe and the Community to identify those. I'll update every time because that's what I pay for. I also pay for a release that is bug free. Use that money to hire more testers create more jobs, less profit...how profit do you really need Adobe? If I frustrate you with my frustratation, maybe I have a valid point.




Community Expert ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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If you bothered to go through Photoshop Preferences, everything is there and this rant wouldn't be necessary.




Community Expert ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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@amERICax777 I think what @melissapiccone meant was Adobe doesn't pay attention to rants.

Giving detailed issue descriptions and idea iterations gets you further than your original post.

Example - the zoom feature. What about it make it so much worse? The animated zoom?


As for core features across all apps - thats been discussed heavily over the years with slow progress. No excuses.


But to say that Adobe isn't listening to user feedback is absolutely 100% false.

Example - shortcuts - Adobe did have some forethought by adding checkboxes to use Legacy shortcuts where applicable.



and in preferences you can choose to retain certain aspects as Legacy.



Both of these were due to feedback from users when beta testing new features.




Community Expert ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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@amERICax777 again, the only people you'll frustrate here are the volunteer moderators and community members who bother enough to read your rant. Keep on this path and your posts will just be static.

Participating in a constructive discussion will get you further than childish taunts and brinksmanshiup.




Explorer ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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I'm sincerely, sorry to the volunteers that's I've introduced this post of frustration to. It's not meant for you it's meant for the Adobe decision makers. Thank you for your time and effort in this community it is extremely valuable. You are the soliders that reduce frustations, I am very appreciative of that. To any an all volunteers and users that read this please upvote it and let's see if Adobe listens. Most of us are paying $720 a year to be ignored...Doesn't seem fair or right. Knock, knock Adobe...are you listening?




Community Expert ,
Nov 14, 2023 Nov 14, 2023

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@amERICax777 last time - Adobe isn't "ignoring" users input. If you get enough upvotes, etc. the more traction an idea gets the more visibility and priority it gets with the team.




Explorer ,
Jan 06, 2024 Jan 06, 2024

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Why is it everytime I open photoshop, I have to trouble shoot a new feature or sherlock a change to a previous feature I'm very familiar with? Where can I turn this off? I added a new post about protecting certain features and fuctions...it was removed, thanks community. So, here I am disappointed and at a loss.

Can someone with some pull champion this recommended solution. It seems like a simple request.
Recommended Solution:
Update software with the necessary code to work in the latest OS but leave me in my version of standard, solid, tested, proven features of the version I love (Photoshop 5.5) or which ever one your customer/user loves.

Sure add new features turned off, with an easy panel/page to search and turn the feature on or off. There should be a desciption of the functionality little "i" icon button to hover over, a link to a  30sec training video, a star rating along with number of ratings (to rate it), a feedback link (to vent or share love), and an idea link (to share possible improvements/adjustments.) All in a nice tight list.  I'll read through the ones I want to test and turn on and skip the poorly rated ones. I'll do this when I want to, not when Adobe wants me to.

This will help reduce my frustations (most imporantly) also help Adobe identify the features that can be removed which will reduce the amount technical debt they struggle with. If you don't know what technical debt is, consider yourself lucky, you spoiled artist...you...

I love the work that's been done in LightRoom and in Bridge. Adobe Photoshop should get more respect. It should have more protection of it's solid proven features and for it's lifetime users.   Remember, a rant is simply feedback with spice, feedback is necessary in software development. Happy clicking! 




Community Expert ,
Jan 06, 2024 Jan 06, 2024

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Simple answer: turn off auto-update! It's just a checkbox away.


Most of the time when people claim the application is "broken", it's really increased and tightened system requirements. For Photoshop, it's mostly the GPU.




Explorer ,
Jan 06, 2024 Jan 06, 2024

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I lived that life...for a long time, then I faced the OS battle...something stops working because my version of OS and the version of photoshop I'm using don't align i.e. Photoshop 5.5, it's not a true solution.

I'm asking for a more responsible shift in software development and release. It's the next evolution, basically. Companies are pushing changes on their customers and expecting them to deal with it/beta test it. We are essentially paying them to work for them. It's wreckless behavior from a company that grossed over 5 billion in Q4 last year (2023). Yes - billions. 




Community Expert ,
Jan 06, 2024 Jan 06, 2024

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But surely you can see, if you think about it, that the whole industry works this way. Singling out Adobe in this, is really not seeing the whole picture, or maybe just pointing to a convenient blame target.


Adobe have to keep up with the ever-changing operating systems and hardware. If they didn't, they would be in much bigger problems! The priority has to be efficient operation on new systems.


In principle I agree with you. I think it's awful that fully functional hardware has to be thrown away, just because someone came up with "something more fancy". It's wasteful and just wrong. But that's the way the whole industry works. As long as I rely on this to make a living, I have no choice but to play along.




Explorer ,
Jan 06, 2024 Jan 06, 2024

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Yep, the whole industry...however, Adobe could decide to be just a bit better in how it handles their releases. They have the funds and resources to make that adjustment. Actually, they could take it one step further and reduce the monthly cost for those who are active in the community and active beta testers. Maintaining a better balance of Give and Take. They seem to be taking too much. 5 billion in one quarter, it's time they adjusted, not us. Words of a frustrated customer. 😉 




Community Expert ,
Jan 06, 2024 Jan 06, 2024

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Not sure they have "the funds and resources". Apple could eat Adobe before breakfast. 




Community Expert ,
Jan 06, 2024 Jan 06, 2024

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I wonder if anyone intentionally uses Legacy Channel Shortcuts where Cmd/Ctrl+1 is the shortcut for the Red Channel. That used to confuse new users to no end when their image went grayscale and Undo did not return to the Composite Channel.




But Adobe kept it there for those who prefer it.






