Currently on version 24.6.0, Build 86, Windows 10. In addition to auto-selecting text on the timeline when text is highlighted, the Text Panel can also move the playhead to a specific word's position when clicked. For example, if the text is:
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"
and I click without dragging on the word "jumped", the playhead will move to the moment on the timeline where the word "jumped" is said. The problem is, the position the playhead jumps to is in audio time units, not frames, even when "Show audio time units" is deselected. This means, if I click on "brown", manually place an in point, then click on "lazy", and manually place an out point, then do an Extract edit, there will be a gap between the two clips, since the "in" and "out" points were placed on samples, not frames.
To be clear, clicking and dragging while "Automatically set in/out points" is selected does not have this issue, it will cut on frames as expected. However, when you are making edits to a very long transcript, and need to scroll very far down the transcript to find the point where you'd like to place your "out" point, dragging and highlighting is not ideal.
This new behavior of moving the playhead to the nearest sample rather than frame was not present in previous versions of premiere, and should only be expected from the end user when "Show Audio Time Units" is selected. Otherwise, it should move to the nearest frame. Thanks for you time reading this.