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Audio Popping in CC 2015?

Engaged ,
Jun 23, 2015 Jun 23, 2015

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Is anyone else experiencing audio "popping" in CC 2015 when playing back a timeline?  Happens at random times.  If I stop playing and restart over the area that had a pop, it is no longer there.  There is no popping on the source audio and this problem did not exist in CC 2014.






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Adobe Employee , Jul 01, 2015 Jul 01, 2015

Hi BSBeamer, and others on the thread,

Is anyone else experiencing audio "popping" in CC 2015 when playing back a timeline?  Happens at random times.  If I stop playing and restart over the area that had a pop, it is no longer there.  There is no popping on the source audio and this problem did not exist in CC 2014.

Yes, I'm seeing this here on the forum and on social networks. I'll flag the issue and get a bug written up. You can do the same here: http://adobe.ly/ReportBug




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Explorer ,
Oct 12, 2015 Oct 12, 2015

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So far a combination of keyframing the audio volume to zero at the beginning (or end) of a cut, or the use of the Crossfade audio transition, seems to minimze the popping and the bursts.

Here's hoping the Adobe people can come up with a more... automatic solution.





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Participant ,
Oct 29, 2015 Oct 29, 2015

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I'm a few days removed from my last encounter with this issue, so now that my eyes have refocused and the fog of rage has lifted (almost), I can share

what I found to be a very less-than-ideal solution. (tl;dr: the solution is at the end)

Just as a recap, I'm editing a feature length doc. My project file includes more than 8000 media files, mostly DSLR h.264 footage with a whole bunch of varied archival material.

In playback as I edit, I hear clicks and pops all the time, usually between clips. When I hear them, I put the playhead a few seconds before where I heard the pops, and when I playback again, they're gone. This is how I know it isn't my mistake. When I export, however, the pops are encoded into the audio track. No matter how many times I export, I always experience the popping. I've experienced this issue on three separate workstations (a Mac Pro, and iMac, and a Macbook Pro) all running the latest CC2015.

As I mentioned in my last post, I had no success with the following:

  • soloing all tracks
  • exporting all audio to a wav/aiff and re-importing
  • exporting audio uncompressed and re-importing
  • exporting with different video/audio codecs (h264, prores/AAC, uncompressed, etc.)
  • exporting with different audio bit depths and bitrates
  • sending all of my audio to Audition
  • keyframing the beginning and ending of clips (I already do that anyway on most clips)
  • removing effects
  • double-checking sample rates
  • converting mp3 music on the timeline to AIFF/WAV and then replacing
  • creating a new sequence and copying/pasting
  • changing the sample rate of the export
  • changing the sample rate of the sequence
  • changing the sample rate of my workstation
  • deleting render files
  • probably a lot of things I'm forgetting

Within minutes of a trailer screening deadline a few days ago, out of desperation I tried exporting all of my audio tracks to a mono MP3 at the highest quality. This worked. All of my pops were gone, and when I imported the MP3 and replaced the tracks with it and exported again, my audio was fine. This was OK for my purposes at the time, as my screening was a one-time thing.

I've repeated the steps multiple times, and each export has played exactly as it should have with no pops. I'd be curious to see if it works for others of you who've been having this problem.

I'm hoping that some Adobe engineer will see this and that it will help explain what's going on.





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Nov 02, 2015 Nov 02, 2015

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I experienced a similar problem with my project when exporting (and timeline at times). The pops appeared in the beginning of almost every clip. I came to the conclusion that the main reason for this was that the deNoiser effect I’d used was displaced/didn’t work at the beginning of the sound clip. After trying practically every suggested workaround in here without success, I tried to extend the clip (to the left) and mute it at the beginning but that didn’t work for me either. So my solution was copying every sound clip separately, pasting it into a new sequence. Extending it (to the left/in the beginning), exporting it as a wav-file, importing it to the project again. Then syncing it with the original sound file, removing the extended part (where the buzzing now appeared) and then removing the original file. Quite troublesome and time-consuming but it worked.





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New Here ,
Nov 07, 2015 Nov 07, 2015

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My work around consisted of isolating each audio track and exporting it as a WAV.

Then, I reinserted the collection of WAVs in their appropriate audio tracks.

After I did this, I looked at them and could literally see the faulty software induced pops in each WAV file.

Then, I simply cut out these single frame 'pops' and exported the project file as normal.

This is the only solution that worked on getting out these anxiety inducing audio glitches.

C'mon Adobe! Get an update out, or make sure the 2016 version is ready for professionals!





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Explorer ,
Nov 07, 2015 Nov 07, 2015

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Yes Adobe.  It's been a month since you made me jump through all your hoops, navigate your unhelpful, inconvenient and bewildering gauntlet of voice mail systems.  All so we could contact you directly to the point that you would actually BELIEVE us when we presented this evidence to you that your 'Premiere' program is faulty.  We did what you said.  We have been patient.  We have paid our fees.  We have done everything that could be expected and then some.  But since then, you have said nothing beyond 'we're looking into it'.  A dodgey, non-committal, non-answer.

You have seen, and read what we, the paying customers, have been obliged to do in order to work around the problems and glitches which your program creates.  We have to export things, change the formats, re-import, cut frames, add keyframes, tweak the keyframes, just to get us right back to where we started.  All kinds of nonsense that shouldn't be necessary and which adds hours, even days, of labor and frustration to tasks that the program should do automatically and take only seconds.

Four weeks.  Another month's worth of fees taken from us to pay for a broken, faulty program.  Have you nothing to say?





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Explorer ,
Dec 08, 2015 Dec 08, 2015

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Relatively new to Adobe: I thought I was going insane until I saw this post!  I was under a tremendous pressure to deliver the project on-time, so the solution to export it to Audition with audio mixdown was the only one working for me.  I am happy for that, but I am not happy that this is not resolved yet as there are other, more complicated, projects coming my way and it would suck if I had to do this all the time.  Just wanted to add my voice of concern....





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Engaged ,
Dec 16, 2015 Dec 16, 2015

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Which version of PPro are you currently using?

What OS version?

Have you tried reloading your audio plugins?  Even if not using them, it helps address many issues.





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Explorer ,
Dec 16, 2015 Dec 16, 2015

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Hi bsbeamer

Not sure to whom you addressed your question,  but I originally neglected to mention that I've been editing my project on two different iMacs (one at work, one at home), both Yosemite 10.5.5. and both have Premiere Pro CC 2015 v. 9.0.0.  And I believe that this was my first project edited on CC 2015 vs CC2014 for all other projects.

What is the easiest way to reload audio plugins? 

Thanks again!





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Engaged ,
Dec 16, 2015 Dec 16, 2015

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Sasha L. wrote:

Hi bsbeamer,

Not sure to whom you addressed your question,  but I originally neglected to mention that I've been editing my project on two different iMacs (one at work, one at home), both Yosemite 10.5.5. and both have Premiere Pro CC 2015 v. 9.0.0.  And I believe that this was my first project edited on CC 2015 vs CC2014 for all other projects.

What is the easiest way to reload audio plugins?

Thanks again!

I'd highly recommend you check out the minimum system requirements for Adobe, since OSX 10.5.5 is an extremely old OS and should be updated to something more current.  OSX 10.11.2 was just released...

Premiere Pro System Requirements for Mac OS and Windows

System requirements | Creative Cloud

In PPro CC 2015 to refresh audio plugins:

Preferences > Audio > Audio Plug-in Manager

Re-Scan those plugins and remove any that are problematic.





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New Here ,
Dec 17, 2015 Dec 17, 2015

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It seems that the problem is worse for some. What I did:

I manage to get rid of it everywhere it happens by installing 2 nodes at the very beginning of the track to make it start by a fade in from 0. It has helped: No Crack pop since then. (at that place).

I had one (mostly) at the beginning of my film starting with a music file at 5 secs from the beginning of the timeline

I extended another audio file to 0 on the timeline, put nodes to set volume at 0 and everything is now good, all the time.

My conclusion is that the program needs continuity on the timeline. any "holes" can potentially create a crack pop.

For what it worth.






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Explorer ,
Dec 17, 2015 Dec 17, 2015

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Yeah - I am aware of it - keeping it old because of other programs I run and I will have to update them all soon.  Thanks for the recommendation anyway!





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Explorer ,
Jan 01, 2016 Jan 01, 2016

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OK, I now have OS 10.11.2 and definitely the latest version of CC and the same crap is still happening.  Except this time it's a much longer piece and I the audio is extremely important and I hear random pops.  Is anyone at Adobe ever going to address this issue?





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Engaged ,
Jan 05, 2016 Jan 05, 2016

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Sasha L. wrote:

OK, I now have OS 10.11.2 and definitely the latest version of CC and the same crap is still happening.  Except this time it's a much longer piece and I the audio is extremely important and I hear random pops. 

Have you tried any of the previous suggestions?

Refresh audio plugins and/or remove troubled ones?

Exporting splits or partial mixdowns and then bringing those back into PPro to assemble?

Is this happening JUST on export, or during playback?

Are you using any 3rd party audio hardware on your machine?

Have you cleaned up and removed the unnecessary stuff from the Audio MIDI Setup (under Applications > Utilities)?





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New Here ,
Dec 16, 2015 Dec 16, 2015

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This has been happening to me as well.

What I have found to help was to find out exactly which audio file in the timeline was causing the pop by deleting clips and re exporting until the noise disappears.

Once I found out which audio file was causing the problem, I would isolate the clip and re export it as an mp3, and then bring it back into the project. If you view the waveform in the source monitor, you will actually see the pop. I would just remove the pop from the waveform by setting the in point after the pop, replace the clip in the timeline, and then re export.

Still annoying though.





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New Here ,
Dec 30, 2015 Dec 30, 2015

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Yes, I have the same problem in pro cc 2015. There was no problem in cc 2014





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Engaged ,
Dec 30, 2015 Dec 30, 2015

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johns14334093 wrote:

Yes, I have the same problem in pro cc 2015. There was no problem in cc 2014

Did you try any of the suggestions above?

Mac or PC?

OS version?

Have you installed the latest 2015.1 CC update?





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 29, 2016 Jan 29, 2016

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I have the same issue even in the latest revision released on the 26th Jan 2015..

Build 9.2.0. (41) on MAC OS X 10.10.5

Ive experience Adobes support before and they are infamous for their lack of response.





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Engaged ,
Jan 29, 2016 Jan 29, 2016

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phil_lid wrote:

I have the same issue even in the latest revision released on the 26th Jan 2015..

Build 9.2.0. (41) on MAC OS X 10.10.5

Ive experience Adobes support before and they are infamous for their lack of response.

Are you experiencing popping, or is it more of a digital noise/buzz/humm at transition/cut points?

I think it's time to start a new thread for CC 2015.2 audio issues.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 29, 2016 Jan 29, 2016

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I believe it is time to start a new thread.

the issues I am facing are.

1) Loud pops on cuts.

2) If I use a pancake timeline approach for editing.  Eventually the audio breaks up and distorts and premier crashes.





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Engaged ,
Jan 29, 2016 Jan 29, 2016

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phil_lid wrote:

I believe it is time to start a new thread.

the issues I am facing are.

1) Loud pops on cuts.

2) If I use a pancake timeline approach for editing.  Eventually the audio breaks up and distorts and premier crashes.

new thread started:

Premiere Pro CC 2015.2 Audio Issues (OS X)





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Participant ,
Jan 29, 2016 Jan 29, 2016

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Do you mean the latest release on January 26, 2016?  Not 2015, right?

Is everyone reporting this bug report so that we can get this addressed?  https://adobe.allegiancetech.com/cgi-bin/qwebcorporate.dll?58HS6A

I have gone back to CC 2014 and will not update to CC2015 until this bug has been repaired. 





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 29, 2016 Jan 29, 2016

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theres a new thread been started re: this issue.

Premiere Pro CC 2015.2 Audio Issues (OS X)





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Explorer ,
Mar 29, 2016 Mar 29, 2016

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I just got a new Dell Adobe Certified Video Editing Workstation (7910) using Windows 7 and it's having this problem?  It's a Xeon 3.1GHz 10 core with 64GB of RAM.  I didn't have this problem with my old workstation, Core2Duo with 16GB of RAM?  The popping/clicking noises don't seem to export but developing with this noise in my preview is terrible.





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Explorer ,
Mar 30, 2016 Mar 30, 2016

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I'm here to tell you that Mac (OSX) doesn't have an exclusive on this problem.  Adobe, I'm running Windows 7 Pro (a fresh load) and I'm seeing this exact problem as it's described here.





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Explorer ,
Mar 31, 2016 Mar 31, 2016

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And I can't believe that this is still happening, and ruining my workflow!  Is there anyone from Adobe here to let us to know that they are at least (still) working on this issues? 





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