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AVCHD Workflow help

New Here ,
May 14, 2012 May 14, 2012

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Hello all,

I will be migrating to Premiere Pro CS6 from FInal Cut Pro 7 starting this fall for all of my video production classes.  I need some guidance on workflow. 

We currently shoot on Sony NX70u which uses the AVCHD codec producing .MTS files.  I've been working with the native AVCHD files on PP CS6 for a few days now to get acquainted with the workflow and performance on our Macs (some iMacs and some Mac Pro towers) and so far so good.  My question:

I know PP CS6 will work with the native AVCHD files, but I'm worried about performace issues with my Macs.  Is there any reason to transcode the AVCHD files to another codec before editing in PP?  I guess I'm still in the Final Cut Pro-Log and Transfer mode of thinking about files








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Explorer ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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I'm just gonna say it...isn't this the sort of thing companies get sued for? Often times for much less than this actually.





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New Here ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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If the fix is only coming to the new version, then it is possible to open a






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New Here ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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Update on this, after hours of being put on hold, having my calls dropped and being transfered to people in India who were clueless, I finally got the answer that Adobe was going to allow a discount or a free upgrade to CS7 people with this problem. If this does not happen I would suggest someone put together a class action suit.





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Advocate ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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RiverChan wrote:

I finally got the answer that Adobe was going to allow a discount or a free upgrade to CS7 people with this problem.

I'm happy to be proven wrong about this by Adobe, but... that doesn't make any financial sense whatsoever.  All anyone would have to do is say, "Yes, I edit in AVCHD and I can't do it in CS6!!!one!11!eleven!"  Instant free upgrade.

Adobe needs to understand that a "reduced price upgrade" isn't acceptable for us.  IF it's fixed in CS6.5/7, then it needs to be back-ported to CS6.  That way, we can see that it works and make up our minds as to whether we want to upgrade.






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Explorer ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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My suggestion is that we all continue to raise hell about this until we get an official response from Adobe. There is a CS6.5/7 feature request thread where I've brought up this issue, and now those people are talking about it. I'm not optimistic Adobe will EVER fix this problem for CS6, so the VERY LEAST they can do for their customers is have the balls to say it, and not just keep us wondering.





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Contributor ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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What if, after a year, they admit that they are not going to fix it?





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Explorer ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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Then I hope someone seriously starts talking lawsuit.





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People's Champ ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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[image of frustrated attorney resigned to defeat]





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 09, 2013 Apr 09, 2013

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Not to start a fight, but I seriously doubt that. Until someone puts it officially on the website I will have a hard time believing that they are going to say that they are going to give a discount or free upgrade over the phone to just one person. It is very possible that the person you had on the phone said that, but most likely it was someone who doesnt know what they are talking about and has no power to enforce it. Support personnel are not always saying things that are company policy, sometimes they just want to make you feel good and don't understand the implications of what they say out of the desire to create good will towards the company.

As mentioned below there is no way for them to know who had the problem and who doesn't. This means that either they have to get you to submit something proving your problem or give everyone a discount or free upgrade regardless of whether they had the problem or not.

Second, how are they going to verify the huge number of "claims" to prove who should and shouldnt have the upgrade for free or discounted? If they had even 1000 submissions that had video footage and projects to show the problem to prove it, that would probably be a few 1000 terabytes of data, not to mention the hours of determining whether the problem was caused by the exact bug or something else that the user did or that was the cameras bugs or driver or even the OS of the users computer.

I would find it more likely that every submission would be turned around by Adobe saying "It was the cameras firmware", "It was the driver version on the computer", "The user updated the OS with a patch that conflicted with the codec", than "oh we are sorry, this was all our fault and we are going to upgrade you for free".

This is a business. Adobe used a third party for the programming of the code that created the problem with the import codec. I think that if I were Adobe I would take that company to court and demand the source code for the codec so I could correct the problem in house and never use that contractor again or I would buy them and fire everyone that was responsible for not correcting it within the first month that the problem was discovered.

There is no way I can see Adobe giving in to people who have already paid for the software for a discount or free upgrade to the next version. The biggest reason that I don't believe they would do it?

It would start a chain reaction. Admittedly I am more of an amateur hobby videographer, but over the past year I had 3 projects that were affected by Premiere's and Encore's bugs and missing files and spent over 3 months unable to complete a wedding DVD, Baptism DVD and a conversion project because of the software. It made me look bad and I don't think that I will be used for the sisters wedding because of all the delays that Premiere caused.

So if Adobe gives you all a discount because thier software has bugs, even though I didn't have the spanned footage problem, why would I not get compensation for the time and reputation I lost by giving me a discount? I still have the projects and they should even have record of the tech support call I made where the support technician shared my screen so as to see what was going on.

Do you really think Adobe would open that kind of door? It would also make any lawsuit for any bug in thier software that much more likely and have a better chance of winning the case.





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New Here ,
Apr 10, 2013 Apr 10, 2013

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The person I spoke to was in engineering not support. One thing which I failed to mention was that they expected to fix the problem in the final update for CS6 but if they didn't there would be other options. If Lexus sells you a new car that does not drive they fix the problem they do not say well try next next years model. To many of us in event videography this was just like buying a car that did not drive and we are not talking about an obscure format of video. This is AVCHD! to me it's similar to putting out a product in the mid to early 2000's that doesn't work with DV. The problem here was communication from the company if they would have let us know when they realized it fine, but we were left to tinker with our systems trying to figuire it out what the problem was for months now even a year without answers. Projects went overdue, money was lost until we went back to CS5 where everything worked fine. I have been using Permiere even before 2.0 and so many times I have had problems going to the next version but nothing this bad. I will never again upgrade again until the new product has been out for a year or more to work out all the bugs or see what problems people are having. This makes the Creative Cloud subscription model scare the hell out of me if you are automattically getting the new version without knowing the problems it might contain.





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 10, 2013 Apr 10, 2013

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I agree, they fix it, but they are not about to give you a discount on next years model.

They communicated a few times about the fact that they knew there was a problem and that they were working on a solution and they also said the reason that it was not a quick fix.

I have no problem with the CC model, I do have a problem testing process. Something this fundamentally broken should not have been allowed to be sold until it was fixed. Updates are fine but a major feature not working is not an update that a revision change.

Anyways... I hope Adobe has learned a lesson from this and will not repeat the same in the next version.

Anyone know when that new version hits the digital shelf?





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Apr 10, 2013 Apr 10, 2013

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I hear rumors about May 7th, but haven't seen anything official yet.





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 12, 2013 Apr 12, 2013

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ExactImage wrote:

Be aware that I've found a problem with some AVCHD footage in CS6 that didn't exist in CS5.5, namely that of long / spanned clips.  Shorter (non spanned) clips don't appear to have a problem, and if that's what you are feeding in to CS6 then stay with AVCHD, there is no reason to transcode.   Hopefully Adobe will fix the problem in the first update.

AVCHD clip spanning has been fixed in Premiere Pro Next. We were waiting for a fix from one of our partners who recently delivered it to us to include in the upcoming version.

I fully understand that there is a lot of frustration for those of you running Premiere Pro CS6 and looking for a fix to this problem. We definitely know about it. If you have not already done so, please create a feature request to fix AVCHD clip spanning issues in Premiere Pro CS6: http://www.adobe.com/go/wish. That will certainly help.





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Explorer ,
Apr 12, 2013 Apr 12, 2013

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What is "Premiere Pro Next"?

Is this fix going to be pushed out to CS6 users or not?





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 12, 2013 Apr 12, 2013

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Hi ZachRosing,

Premiere Pro Next is an upcoming version of Premiere Pro we just demonstrated at the NAB conference in Las Vegas. Check out this PDF.

The Premiere Pro team definitely knows about the issue, but I don't have any information right now about a Premiere Pro CS6 update. That is why I suggested that we still make feature requests for a fix.

If it is of any help, I will be advocating to the team for an update to Premiere Pro CS6 to fix this problem. We know how important it is to our users, like you, to provide a fix.





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Explorer ,
Apr 12, 2013 Apr 12, 2013

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Kevin Monahan wrote:

The Premiere Pro team knows about the issue, but I don't have any information right now about a Premiere Pro CS6 update. That is why I suggested that we still make feature requests for a fix.

Folks, I'll love to be proven wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the last "official" response we're going to get from Adobe on this problem. The solution will undoubtedly be "just buy the new version".

Make decisions about how to spend your moneyin the future w/ Adobe accordingly.





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 12, 2013 Apr 12, 2013

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ZachRosing wrote:

Kevin Monahan wrote:

The Premiere Pro team knows about the issue, but I don't have any information right now about a Premiere Pro CS6 update. That is why I suggested that we still make feature requests for a fix.

Folks, I'll love to be proven wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the last "official" response we're going to get from Adobe on this problem. The solution will undoubtedly be "just buy the new version".

Make decisions about how to spend your moneyin the future w/ Adobe accordingly.

Hi ZachRosing,

As I said, I will definitely be advocating for an update to Premiere Pro CS6. I know how important it is to users like you. I ask for your patience, as we just got this fix from a third party. Please file a feature request if you have not already. It is the best way to communicate the importance of a fix directly to our team.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 12, 2013 Apr 12, 2013

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If you have not already done so, please create a feature request to fix AVCHD clip spanning issues in Premiere Pro CS6: http://www.adobe.com/go/wish. That will certainly help.

I will. So I understand better, why a feature request here, rather than a bug report? I have already filed a bug report, and will also file it as a feature request. I don't care what it is called, as long as Adobe patches CS6 to correct/add it.

I follow this thread off and on, have not re-read it, and don't want to distract/be distracted by a debate as to whether it is one or the other.





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 12, 2013 Apr 12, 2013

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At this time, a feature request will be acted upon faster than a bug report.  A bug report would be tested and duplicated to see if this is actually a bug.  All that's already been done, what you are requesting is that the fix for Premiere Pro Next be applied to CS6 as well.

I can affirm what Kevin is saying - there are many of us here at the company that are advocating to have this fixed for CS6.





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Enthusiast ,
Apr 12, 2013 Apr 12, 2013

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Thanks to Greg and Kevin for this info, but honestly this is a little scary because it definately sounds like some people (internally) are arguing for it to "not" be in CS6,  but to require users to pay for an upgrade to get this fix.  This is totally unacceptable.  Please let them know that this would be an almost certain nail in the coffin for my future plans with Adobe.   

If they fix it in CS6 then some confidence will have been restored in Adobe and many of us may well upgrade to CS7 (or what ever comes next) "once the initial release quality becomes known". However, if they "don't" fix it in CS6 then frankly confidence in Adobe will be shattered and I will not be giving Adobe any money for any upgrades. 

I know I'm not alone in this.... so future business from me and a few others at least rests upon Adobe doing the right thing for CS6 users.





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 12, 2013 Apr 12, 2013

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ExactImage wrote:

Thanks to Greg and Kevin for this info, but honestly this is a little scary because it definately sounds like some people (internally) are arguing for it to "not" be in CS6,  but to require users to pay for an upgrade to get this fix.  This is totally unacceptable.  Please let them know that this would be an almost certain nail in the coffin for my future plans with Adobe.


The product team definitely knows about this. Please understand that it has nothing to do with holding back a fix to sell you on the next version of Premiere Pro. It's all about a major architectural change that was necessary to fix the issue.

ExactImage wrote:

I know I'm not alone in this.... so future business from me and a few others at least rests upon Adobe doing the right thing for CS6 users.

Thanks very much for letting us know how important solving this issue is to you.





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New Here ,
Apr 13, 2013 Apr 13, 2013

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Kevin thanks for the information. The problem is this issue has caused probably quite a lot of us a lot of problems and expense, there will no doubt be a lot of people out there even now struggling to make it work who are unaware of this issue Adobe really should go public and admit there is a problem and explain the transcoding work-around. Not only that, but when it is solved it needs to be treated as a bug fix, not a program upgrade as far as existing customers are concerned. If that amounts to a free upgrade to 6.5 or whatever the next version is, then so be it. We have suffered and we expect nothing less than a free fix and for Adobe to take this on on the chin.

Let me say that apart from this problem I love the Adobe suite and I've been very vocal in my promotion of it at work. That an issue as seriously disabling as this has been allowed to continue for so long without telling us and at least explaining the work-around is a veryt real disapointment to put it mildly. So what happens?





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Apr 13, 2013 Apr 13, 2013

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Adobe really should go public and admit there is a problem and explain the transcoding work-around.






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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 13, 2013 Apr 13, 2013

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NR23Derek wrote:

Kevin thanks for the information. The problem is this issue has caused probably quite a lot of us a lot of problems and expense, there will no doubt be a lot of people out there even now struggling to make it work who are unaware of this issue Adobe really should go public and admit there is a problem and explain the transcoding work-around. Not only that, but when it is solved it needs to be treated as a bug fix, not a program upgrade as far as existing customers are concerned.

As I said, it was a major architectural change that needed to be made to find a fix in the upcoming version. Yes, it is a problem for Premiere Pro CS6 users, and we have indicated it is a known issue. We are trying now to see if a fix is possible for Premiere Pro CS6, so stay tuned.

I suggested a feature request, because as Greg said, it is faster to getting the word to the right people. If you want to call it a bug fix, that is fine too.

NR23Derek wrote:

If that amounts to a free upgrade to 6.5 or whatever the next version is, then so be it. We have suffered and we expect nothing less than a free fix and for Adobe to take this on on the chin.

I'm not sure what the team will do yet, or what the result will be, but thanks very much for your feedback. As I said, we know how important it is to users like yourself.





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Explorer ,
Apr 14, 2013 Apr 14, 2013

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When can we expect this official response from Adobe? I do understand you just received the fix, but we've been patient for almost a year now.

Will that response be here in the forum or somewhere else?

Whether the answer is yes, 6.0.3 is coming, or just buy CS7, I'd like to know when we can plan on hearing that so I can move on with my life.

[profanity removed]





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