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Best cloud-based storage for Creative Cloud apps, now that Adobe has killed off their own offering?

Community Beginner ,
Feb 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2024

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The following is a request for help as regards my storage workflow on my Mac, with the CC All Apps subscription. Up until last month, I was happily using Adobe's cloud-based storage that they included as part of their subscription, but they have now canned it as we know. For me, keeping my frequently used After Effects and Premiere projects in a folder that syncs to the cloud is very practical for me, as it means I can jump on my laptop and continue working without ever having to worry about parity between different machines, or having to copy stuff onto USB sticks etc, which gets messy.


Anyway, as a result, I upgraded my iCloud drive from 200GB to 2TB and moved my project files across. I am now finding that, upon opening up a Premiere project, I am unable to relink the assets. Premiere's 'Locate File' dialogue box uses Adobe's API rather than Apple's so there is no proper way to access the iCloud drive. Obviously the real location of the iCloud drive folder is within the Library folder I can I can browse to it, but I can't actually see the files - presumably a permissions problem, as the Library folder is not designed to be end-user accessible. Even then, I've been reading that Apple's syncing mechanism causes problems for Premiere.


Is there a way to get iCloud drive to work happily with Premiere, After Effects, etc? And if not, what are people recommending we switch to now that Adobe no longer offers their own drive? Dropbox and Google Drive are the main ones that come to mind, though I've had bad experiences with Google Drive as regards syncing and files multiplying for no reason so I'd rather not use that.

Error or problem , User interface or workspaces




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Feb 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2024

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@Kevin-Monahan or @Warren Heaton might have suggestions.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2024

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Well, I realised why Premiere's not seeing the assets: they weren't downloaded. I turned off 'Optimise Mac Storage' in the iCloud preferences which initiated a download of all files. I've now been able to re-link all the assets. Let's see how well this works now.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2024

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Yes, for video editing and motion design, that iCloud preference should be disabled.  Also be sure you have adequate local storage for each project.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 02, 2024 Feb 02, 2024

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Think of it the same was as you would if you were working off an external USB drive that you were moving from one computer to another.

Create a folder on your cloud storage (iCloud Drive, OneDrive, Google Drive, DropBox, etc.) for each project.


Place all source footage for a project into the corresponding project folder (use subfolders as preferred for organizing source footage) before importing into a Premiere Pro project or an After Effects project.  If using Adobe Libraries with Premiere Pro, set CC Libraries Downloads to "Same as Project".  If using Adobe Libraries with After Effects, reveal the source footage item that was added from a Library in the Finder, copy it to project folder on the local cloud storage location and replace it with itself.

Save Premiere Pro project files (.prproj) and After Effects project files (.aep) to the corresponding project folder at the root level of the corresponding project folder or into a subfolder of the project folder.


Most, but not all, of the Premiere Pro Scratch Disk settings should be set to "Same as Project" so that those files get written to the corresponding project folder as well.


When switching computers, make sure the project folder is fully synced before opening a project file in Premiere Pro or After Effects.

 If your connection to the internet is fast with very low latency, look into LucidLink.  This type of cloud storage is designed to work directly from it while conected at any workstation.




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