CS6: launch media encoder
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I seemed unable to reply to my post regarding offline editing. It doesn't appear but then says I'm post flooding when I try again.
So I reread the offline edting doc, and when it says to launch media encoder in PP CS6 is by selecting media to export, which will then result in a single clip with no references. So how do I launch it, as I haven't found in menus?
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No it does not say launch AME by selecting media, it says
Launch Adobe Media Encoder, and add all the clips for your project to the Adobe Media Encoder Queue.
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Make sure no clips in the timeline are slected, and instead the sequence to be selected in the project panel
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Make sure no clips in the timeline are slected, and instead the sequence to be selected in the project panel
By Christian.Z
You cannot export single clips from the project panel in CS6.
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I see that my last reply was poorly worded and thus misunderstood.
Yes it says launch media encoder.
I only know how to launch it by choosing export, with the clips selected.
How do I otherwise launch it, as I don't see where in menus.
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Try Start/all apps.
But launching from Premiere is fine, but then delete all clips and pin AME to taskbar.
Then add the media from the harddrive as instructed in the doc.
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This is pretty tedious with 13 clips, so I hope it works. I have the low res files in a bin ready for import. But I had already done a lot of editing, transitions on the project before, guessing how it might be without the jerkiness.
So I need to 1st replace the original sequences one by on with the low res. Play, hopefully more smoothly, finish any editing and then replace all parts singly again with the hi-res to finish?
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So I figured that if I moved the originals clips into a new folder,named full size, PP wouldn't find and thus ask for them, and so I chose the ones in the low res. Each was individually imported then, and all clips appeared in the timeline. But playing back, even using ~ for the bigger screen, they don't fit, though the play seems smoother, till it reaches the ones that were stablized as intrinsically jerky. Now they can't be stablized. All for nothing or do I need different export settings?
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When done with editing and full res is online then do the stabilizing.
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Judging how well stablization worked and knowing if I needed to trim more was one of the main reasons I wouldn't know how the export would be. I played back the low-res. This was smoother and I could see that there were a few places that would be better stablized, but I still would not know how well that would do. I trimmed about 2 more minutes. I think I made a mistake saving under the same name.
I moved the full res back into the parent folder so it would have to look, but it showed no .mov files. I clicked show all at the bottom and then I would have to do this for each file, and more than once if it had been split. When there were still a few I hadn't selected individually, the box closed and everything appeared on the timeline. The problem is that some that are .mov and not mpg but now are smaller and still can't be stabilized as they don't match. Should I have done something differently? Did I ruin what I'd done before starting this?
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You cannot stabilize images that do not match the sequence setting.
You can in later builds but not CS6.
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I found the problem in my procedure. I thought I could replace in the timeline, and it would be shorter, but it created the problems. going back and choosing the clips and replace footage, they are full frame and if needing stablize, I get "analyze". So I just have to restabilize.
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Unfortunatately, seeing how well stablization worked was the main reason for going through the procedure. I couldn't judge with all the jerkiness and stops and starts and smaller view. So it is a clever, elegant procedure, but the final video was still with lots of shakiness. I found that on the next videos, if I closed all windows, just stablized one clip and then worked on something else, I had somewhat better playbacks.
Now I had a clip with 300mm handheld lens and very sharky, unstable, and did a lot of cutting after stabilization of some parts cropped too much. Just about every clip needed stabilization. So I am wondering, if I export at the usual H264 for youtube ~29and then reimport the mp4 file to monitor and edit further before a final export, will there be a loss of quality?
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. So I am wondering, if I export at the usual H264 for youtube ~29and then reimport the mp4 file to monitor and edit further before a final export, will there be a loss of quality?
By robirdman1
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I don't know how much quality is lost, but since that is the case, I imported that which exported back into the project on a new track above the original. then I played that back while the origanl was shut off. I used the new file to make cuts in the original in the places that didn't stablize well. Am exporting the shorter original.