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Hi! I am new to APP (I use CS6) and this is my first time exporting a video. I'd like to upload it to YouTube for 1080p resolution, but the export settings really confuse me. I've tried exporting it and uploading to YouTube once, but my highest resolution options were either 480p or 720p50HD (which I have absolutely no idea what it is) instead of 1080p.
I am trying a second export with similar settings, but still am not sure if it will work.
My video was shot with a Canon DSLR (rebel t5i or EOS 700D) -- at 1920x1080p, 25fps, 48000Hz, Stereo etc. (seen in the img above)
Here are my export settings:
Format: H.264
Preset: HD 1080p 25
TV Standard: NTSC
Frame Dimensions: 1920 x 1080 pixels
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Field Order: Progressive
Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels (1.0)
Profile: High
Level: 5.1
(Render at Max. Depth - checked)
Bitrate Encoding: VBR, 2 Pass
Target Bitrate [Mbps]: 15
Max. Bitrate [Mbps]: 20
Audio Format: AAC
Codec: AAC
Output Channel: Stereo
Freq: 48000Hz
Audio Quality: High
Bitrate [kbps]: 192
(Use Maximum Render Quality - checked)
I decided not to use the YouTube presets because apparently they're not that good so...
anyone? please help! :s
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I decided not to use the YouTube presets because apparently they're not that good so.
Who said so and why did you not try it and work it out for your self?
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I am currently halfway through my third export using a YouTube preset
and I read a few other forums on other websites and watched about 3 tutorials that all said this so :1 well some said they weren't good, others said using other presets would be better
and I am trying to figure it out! But I am new to this whole thing and it's a bit overwhelming...
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I understand that it can be overwhelming.
Thats why I suggest ..go with Export> H264 > Youtube preset for 1080 25p.
It will be fine. ( As a noob you need to test before listening to others)
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The highest resolution I got was 360p...... o__o
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Post a screenshot of the entire export settings tab, with the left tab on output.
Your sequence settings are not correct. HD is never lower field.
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I forgot what exactly my settings were when I first exported the file, but I imagine this is around the same v
My first try for the export got me 1080p50 (don't know what the difference is compared to 1080p so I tried exporting it a second time)
My second try got me to 420p and my third got me to 360p (I used different presets/settings for every try -- but my audio settings remain unchanged for all three tries)
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Would have been nice if the left screen had a picture instead of black all over.
Anyway export settings are fine.
You only need to change the sequence settings to match the footage.
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hmm. I'm just quite confused why I can't get 1080p res when I upload my file to YouTube 😕
The closest I've gotten is 1080p50 but I'm not sure what that is.. (is it better than 1080p?)
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Check the File (that you exported) >Properties.
If it is 1080p as your screen grab suggests it is...then the problem is at YT end and maybe an error in the way you did something there.
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It doesn't say 1080p but the dimensions are 1920 x 1080 so I assume that's correct?
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That is correct. 1080p = 1920 x 1080
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Do you by any chance know the difference between 1080p50 and 1080p?
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I know this is a dead thread but for any one with this question who stumbles onto it later the number after 1080p is the framerate
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Sometimes you will see 1080i50 then the framerate is 25.
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That Export setting screen gab looks fine...whats the issue?
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Hello, I ran into this thread and I was digging everywhere with no luck for an answer. Hopefully this helps, i've used "scale to fill" which remove the black borders on the sides. SCALE TO FILL
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dude, this thread is for CS6 (from 2012) not CC something
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I can't see the Youtube 1080 Preset. Can somebody help?