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I'm pleased to announce that Premiere Pro version 23.2 has just been released with a fix for this issue and some other nice features. Please update to get the fix.
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I go to export my video and it tells me it successfully exports but doesn't go through the usual process of exporting (currently takes 1-2 seconds). The file ends up empty (13.3kb) not even running for the time of the video.
The video plays completely fine without any issues through Premiere on my PC and in the Export screen. I have tried force rendering, many different formats and I have plenty of space on my computer.
Can anyone HELP!!!!....please.
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Hallo zusammen! Seit ich der letzten Updates gemacht haben, habe ich bei Videos, die ich bearbeitet habe, zum Beispiel Untertitel etc. eingefügt habe, Probleme beim Export.
Es wird immer folgender Fehler in Encoder angezeigt und das Video kann nicht angeschaut werden, da es beschädigt ist.
Ich habe auch das Original eingefügt, dieses Video ist nicht beschädigt.
Was könnte das Problem sein?
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El problema lo solucioné quitando todos los carácteres no propios del inglés sencillo, como la "ñ" de cumpleaños o las tildes. Cambia el nombre de la carpeta contenedora.
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quand j'exporte ma vidéo, elle s'exporte très vite en moins d'une minute pour 656 Mo et le résultat est une vidéo en .mp4 d'1 Ko.
pouvez vous m'aider ? merci
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Ich habe Version 23 wieder installiert und alles funktioniert wieder tadelos. So hoffen wir, dass Adobe Team, das Problem so rasch wie möglich löst. Danke
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Lieber Olaf. Mein Speicherplatz ist nicht voll. Ich habe jedoch jetzt wieder Version 23 installiert und die neue deinstalliert. Es funktioniert tadellos. Danke für den Bescheid.
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I can't export videos with GPU acceleration enabled. Premiere reports a yellow error box saying "The File Importer has detected an inconsistency in the structure of..."
so I can only export with the CPU, which takes a long time.
My GPU has the most updated version as well as the premiere pro.
I've tried all the steps in the link:
Nothing works
I can't go back to the previous premiere update because it doesn't have essential features that I use
Can anyone help me?
Thank you!
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I tried to import with media encoder and exported successfully. But when I go to open the file it gets only 24bytes and it just doesn't open and it shows that it's corrupted.
I already tried the other methods.
The error that is happening to me is a yellow box after exporting. It's not a rendering error per se, at least I think so.
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I was using 23.1 but I downloaded previous version 23.0 and every issues are fixed.New version is not ready yet
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I'm am getting very frustrated and have no idea what it going on... I am trying to export a video like I have done many times before, I haven't changed anything and now getting this message when I export video
"FILE importer detected an inconsistency in the file structure of Final 3.mp4. Reading and writing this file's metadata (XMP) has been disabled"
and then Premier is telling me that the export was successful - but the file is like 1k big - so it hasn't worked,,,,, I have exported 3 times and all the same,,,,
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I had something similar happen (Windows). All I had to do was export to "Videos" instead of documents. Looking at the properties I realized they're "Optimized for: Music" for example and the videos folder is optimized for videos. Either way, Exporting to different places can make a difference.
By the way, I have a 4tb ssd that isn't partitioned and less than half used. Space was not the problem.
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tengo un problema !! al renderizar video "El programa de importacion de archivos ha detectado una incoherencia en la escritura del archivo de ha deshabilitado la lectura y escritura de los metadatos de este archivo (xmp)" como puedo solucionarlo
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Hey @marcost18774778 - @Nir23293404omm6 - @NICOLAS27686153vizq - @jhosesercha - @Jermain van der Weide - Sorry for the issue. We're aware of a similar problem, and the engineering team is working on a fix. Meanwhile, please check out this link for possible workarounds:
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Hi, i updated my premier pro to 2023 version, and since then i can't export the video properly.
It exporting the video like 0 mb and i can't open this on my computer
Im adding some screenshots if anyone can help
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For me (rendering from a project on the SSD to the same SSD) the solution was an older version of Media Encoder.
You can also try different locations (sometimes the filesystem can be the problem I guess), different versions of Media Encoder, rendering directly from Premiere or other render settings if possible (sometimes with projects that are long or have problems, I export to something like QT422 first and then I convert it to h264)
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I changed the program version and It works!!
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Could you explain how you changed the program version?
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Opening the Creative Cloud app on pc, "all programs", the right side of the program has 3 points, so click and search the option "other versions" and install some preview version. I am using the 23.1 on After Effects and Media Encoder.
Test the version and see if the problem still.
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this fix
go to output module settings
format options
video > encoding settings
performance > software encoding
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I was having the same issue, solved when i export in my secondary HD
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@Francis277328943c22 See the following workarounds for this bug: