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I am new to Adobe Premiere and I am looking to produce a specific text effect and I am not sure how to do so. I could not find an online example, but here is a description that I hope will suffice:
On the screen there will be a short piece of text (probably just 1-3 words). The audio will be of a person reading the word(s). I want the text of the word(s) on the screen to be animated in sync with the audio. I want the animation to be that of the letters growing in size a bit as each is being pronounced. So if the word is PICKLE, as the P in the word pickle is pronounced I want the P in the text to grow a bit. Then as the I is pronounced, I want the P to go back to normal size and the I to grow a bit in size...and so on. So assuming it takes the narrator about 1 second to pronounce the word pickle, the letters will consecutively grow and then return to normal size from left to right from the first letter to the last of the printed text PICKLE on the screen.
Your expert assistance is greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
After Effects for this.
You will even find an animation Effect that does this exact thing.
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After Effects for this.
You will even find an animation Effect that does this exact thing.
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Yep, After Effects. It can be achieved with a Text Animator.
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Come on you guys!
I looked all thru them and didn't spot the one to make it look like Warren used.
Closest I could come with the "Magnify" text preset. (in the very last folder I might add...)
Which one are you guys thinking of?
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Thanks shooternz for the first response, and thanks Warren for the response and sample!
I do not own After Effects at this point...but I assume it cannot really be done natively in maybe I will need to purchase AE.
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I downloaded the trial of After Effects. Can anyone give me some basic steps to apply such an effect to text? I was able to get the text inserted, but after that I am lost...
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Apply the Text Animation Effect to the Text Layer you created. Adjust the Parameters to suit,
Apply = drag the effect to the layer .
You wil find Animations> Text in the Effects Panel. Or use the search box in the Panel.
AEFX has a long learning curve. No better time to start the many tutorials on this application .
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If your primary app is Premiere Pro you might just get a titling plug-in to do this. (I use NewBlue, but there are many) You might even be able to do it in Pr, I don't recall if there is a way to set anchor points in Pr, but that is a very basic animation.
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That is a good idea. Yes, I really do not need to get into AE for anything else, so maybe a titling plug-in would be a better idea. My only problem is I don't want to purchase an expensive plugin until I know it would do what I need it to do...which is the basic effect in the animated text in the above post.
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I could do the same thing in PPro but the single word PICKLE would take about an hour.
I could do it in AEFX in 2 minutes.
What vers of PPro are you using? I assume its not a Cloud version?
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I am using the cloud version of PPro, but trial only. I own Premiere Elements, but realized I REALLY wanted a specific "read along" type of text effect for a kids video project. I want the effect bad enough to move to a Cloud subscription...I just really dislike the thought of "leasing" software so to speak...knowing I will lose access if I don't keep paying...
Thanks for the help and comments...I value all of you guys' expertise...
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I would take a hard look at the Pr titler plug-ins, most of them have a thirty day free trial. They are getting better and better every year. About half of my work is corporate, I use mine all the time, they have very sophisticated automation capabilities and huge time saving and ease of use features. I couldn't do a title in Pr if my life depended on it, I haven't opened the native titler for years. If you do go the Ae route plan on a learning curve.
There is at least one fairly inexpensive text automation plug-in for Ae you can play with now, it is called Mr Horse. A fair number of their effects are free, and the others not too expensive. It can help get you through the learning curve if you do go the Ae route.
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OK, so here is what I came up with, but it's not clean like Warren Heaton​'s above. This one moves the letters to the right. From this thread I seached and found the Magnify preset. How can it get it to not move the letters to the right? Below is my AE screen.
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Thank you for the screenshot...sorry to say "I value all of you guys' expertise"...I just saw your avatar is female. Thank you also for your contributions.
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How can it get it to not move the letters to the right?
Change Tracking Amount Parameter to "zero".
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Thanks shooternz​, I got it.:
IN AE: Type text,
Add From Effects panel add: Animation Presets/Text/Tracking/Magnify
Set Tracking amount to 0 (Zero)
Set Scale to the desired size of the expansion.
OK, learned that and how to create an Animated Gif.
BTW: Joe, joeg23308597​​, as far as I know, that avatar is something the forum set, I don't know why it's chosen a female?
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Easy enough to change your avatar ... click on the image of your current avatar/something on the navigation bar at the top of any forum page ... as shown below:
Then select "Edit Communities Profile", and there's the page where you set all sorts of things.
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Heya, heya:
Sorry that I couldn't get back to the forums earlier. Looks like PICKLE is animating just fine!
If you're really into animating text, I can't recommend investing the time to learn the options available to you in AE.
(If you're ever in Los Angeles, I teach motion graphics at a few college campuses around town. I always get into the AE Text Animator in the level 2 class.)