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I have a problem that I can't solve and it drives me crazy. I have to make an episode for a TV channel where they request an MXF with ten channels and stereo mix. It must not exceed the EBU-128 standard (-23 LUFS). I use the post-production audio leveled and not exceeding the -23 LUFS. The problem arises when I export them into premiere, the results often differ significantly.
When creating multichannel sequences, I select 10 channels and 10 mono tracks, pan them, and assign a channel for each track. I modify stereo audio to be mono and export MXF indicating those 10 channels.
Generally, upon re-importing them into Premiere, it shows around -26 LUFS.
When I send the file to the television station, it gets rejected, because of the audio is around - 19 lufs.
I work on a windows 11, with Intel I9 processor and 32 GB of Ram.
Any idea where the problem might be?
Thanks a lot!
I need to find a solution asap! Thanks
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nobody?? really?
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Sorry, the notification ended up in the spam folder. But we need more info. When you say "Generally, upon re-importing them into Premiere, it shows around -26 LUFS" How are you measuring that?
Screenshots tell us much more than a lot of words.
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I'm sending you screenshots. As you can see, the sequence is multi-channel, with 10 mono audio tracks, panned (left-right). Tracks 1 and 2 output to channels 1 and 2, tracks 3 and 4 to 1, 2, 3, 4, tracks 5 and 6 to 1, 2, 5, 6, etc. (tracks 1 and 2 are the program master, and it's a channel TV requirement to be allways present in the channel assignment).
The audios are originally mono and in the export settings I indicate that I want 10 channels.
To measure, I use the Loudness Radar. I either apply it to the master track or measure the first track (I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but it gives me values of -20 (master track) and -25 (the first track). The thing is, when importing the export file and applying the Loudness Radar the values hover around -9 (master track) and -26 LUFS (the first track).
I think it's something that happens when I do the export, but I can't figure out what.
Thanks for the help! Happy New Year!
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The UI in this forum is not exactly perfect for images, and when they don't have proper names, it's a bit hard to navigate them. But I think it's better if you can share a small project with a short sample file. If that's not possible, at least a project file with no media, but both the sequence you're exporting from, and the one you're adding the re-imported clip to, would be nice.
I don't yet fully understand how you're using that exported file in your new sequence - and what sequence settings that sequence has. If the channels are routed differently (say, panned to the middle instead of to the left and right,) you're mixing the tracks, and that will result in different levels.
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I solved the problem!
I simply asked the sound engineer to send me the mixes in mono. Until now I was modifying the stereos by converting them to two mono tracks, assigning a right channel to one and a left channel to the other. This meant very varied values ​​in the sound measurement on the television channel. With the audios in mono everything was resolved.
Thank you all!
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bringing in your audio files directly to Premiere and modify: audio channels should work also.
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I think you emailed me directly and I did reply but never heard back from you... If that wasn't you, post back and I'll dig out my reply with a few questions and suggestions of how to proceed.
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I have not emailed you as far as I know.
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Hi, yes, I wrote to you, but I never received an answer. i will write you again, thanks
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Hopefully, you got my email... with my contact info...