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Premiere Pro Community Digest — April 2023

Adobe Employee ,
May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023

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Adobe Premiere Pro Community Digest - April 2023


Welcome to the Premiere Pro Community Digest taking a look back at April 2023. We begin with the community news, and then we can get down to our usual features. I'll let you know about some new things happening with Premiere Pro Beta and the latest version of Premiere Pro, 23.4!

Latest Adobe Premiere Pro Community News

Small SQ GIF_13.gifNews from the Premiere Pro community!

Welcome back to the Premiere Pro community digest. New here? Then I should tell you that this is the monthly newsletter for the Premiere Pro community. Here are some of the events that happened in April 2023.

Adobe Video and Audio Applications featured at NAB 2023

Premiere Pro and all the Adobe Digital Video and Audio applications were featured at NAB which occurred from April 15 to 19, 2023.


New Adobe booth! The booth was different this year providing more interaction between editors, artists, and Team Adobe Staff. Here is a video produced by RedShark News featuring Sr. Director, Adobe Pro Video Marketing, Paul Saccone, giving you a tour of this all-new booth experience. Quite a bit different than year's past, but it was a huge hit with everyone.



I was able to attend the show as part of Team Adobe demonstrating new features for Adobe After Effects in the Motion Design "pod." I was able to show users how to use the newest features of After Effects for motion design capabilities. I also showed plenty of tips that video editors would want to learn to integrate Premiere Pro with After Effects. The new Properties panel, 3D import, and selectable track mattes were some of the features I showed.


The following videos came out of NAB that I thought might be of interest to you. The first one features the Text-based editing feature that was previewed at the conference. From my perspective, text-based editing pod was completely slammed on every day of the conference. Many people saw how powerful the feature actually is and how it will help them work faster and more nimbly with their editing projects.



In this video, Cinematographer Kenny McMillan of ProVideo Coalition chats with Adobe Premiere Pro Product Manager, Francis Crossman. Discussed are major updates to Adobe Premiere introduced at NAB 2023. New features include text-based editing, background auto-save, and automatic log correction.



In this video by RedShark News, Francis Crossman demonstrates text-based editing in a hands-on demo. The feature will be included in an upcoming version of Premiere Pro. The update will leverage Adobe’s Sensei-powered AI text-to-speech to create true text-based editing within the application. While third-party applications may have enabled the feature, with the latest update users need only open the text window, perform the transcription to text which works in the background while performing other editing activities, and then merely highlight text to perform a precise edit of just that segment of the clip.



New features from the Frame.io team were also featured. Check out this video by RedShark News featuring Adobe's Sr. Director of Global Innovation, Michael Cioni. Michael talks us through the latest Camera to Cloud updates within Frame.io. Michael shows us how Frame.io now offers a media-free solution for any production for not only video, but now include sound, images, and PDFs.



Finally, check out this video from Team Adobe superstar, Jason Levine, as he walks you through the impressive updates previewed in Adobe Video and Audio applications at NAB 2023.



Team Adobe gratefully received a few choice awards at NAB including the following:


NAB Awards were given to Adobe in the AI and Machine Learning category for Text-based Editing. Adobe was also awarded for its contribution in the Remote Production category for its Camera to Cloud Integration featuring FUJIFILM and Adobe/Frame.io. Info is here.


Videomaker gave its best editing software award thanks to its new, exciting update to Premiere Pro: Text-Based Editing. More info here.


 Adobe Video and Audio Live Community Events
LA event.jpgTeam Adobe has recently been having live community events as part of a renewed effort to get community members together and to hear about the latest features fronm Adobe video and audio applications. Check out this post for info about upcoming events and how you can attend.


Upcoming mixers!

Atlanta on May 31 → https://event.adobe.com/videoatlantamixer
Los Angeles on June 6 →  
Washington D.C. on June 26→ https://event.adobe.com/videodcmixer
Boston on June 28 → https://event.adobe.com/videobostonmixer
New York on June 29 → https://event.adobe.com/videonycmixer
TBA: Nashvillehttps://event.adobe.com/express/videonashvillemixer

Premiere Pro Team News and Blog Posts

New Release: Adobe Premiere Pro 23.4

The latest release was just announced! Check out Adobe Premeire Pro 23.4. Here is the documentation summarizing the features. There is a community post about it here, as well.


Highlighted features of version 23.4 include the following:


Please have a look and let the community know how you like the new features.


Premiere Pro Team Blogs

There were a good number of blog posts by Team Adobe that may be of interest to editors and filmmakers in the Premiere Pro community. Here are links to those blog posts.


NAB 2023: Introducing Text-Based Editing in Premiere Pro, Properties panel in After Effects, and much more

Screenshot 2023-05-16 at 3.42.10 PM.png


See the blog post here.


Related Adobe and Video and Audio Blog Posts include the following:

What's new in Premiere Pro Beta?

Small SQ GIF_08.gifPremiere Pro Beta

Check out the latest Beta to discover what's next for Premiere Pro. More info about the Beta program is here

Premiere Pro Beta includes new features this month. See the details in these posts. 

View other recent discussions on the Premiere Beta forum. You can also upvote features or file bugs with a new feature in the Premiere Pro Beta forum.


Premiere Pro Beta documentation is here


Small SQ GIF_12.gifTop troubleshooting articles

Are there issues with any of your projects?


Check the list of known issues to see if the issue is known. At launch, there were no known issues, however, this is a "live" article that evolves over the course of the release. The document is localized in a number of languages and contains info on how you can take action to continue editing your projects.


Currently, there are a couple of issues that may make the list fairly soon I'd like to draw your attention to. We ask for your patience as these issues are being investigated.


  • Keyboard shortcuts not retained from earlier version. A bug was filed by editors here.
  • Scrolling out too fast zooms in fully on timeline. A bug was filed here.


Troubleshooting: You can press any key on launch to perform key troubleshooting steps from the new Reset Options dialog box, like resetting preferences and removing media cache files.


Bug fixes in the release are listed here. Thanks to the team, who provided an extensive list of those issues that are fixed.

Featured Adobe Community Expert

  K. Watanabe AKA 150kwK. Watanabe AKA 150kwOur featured Adobe Community Expert this month is again from our Japan Premiere Pro (and Premiere Elements) Forums, K. Watababe. He's very prolific in these forums with around 15,000 posts! Here's what he wrote:


Hello Premiere Pro Community! My name is K. Watanabe, also known as 150kw on the Adobe Premiere Pro and Premiere Elements Japan forums.


I started with linear editing in 1994. I became interested in the craft after visiting a video production site and began linear editing with DVCAM decks.


I moved to a non-linear editing system using Adobe Premiere 5.0. After a few years passed, I upgraded to Premiere 6.3 and began to shoot and edit widescreen video and authoring DVDs. Around then, I wanted to try Premiere Pro 1.0 but investing in new HD gear was too expensive, so I had to put that dream on hold. At this time, I began reading and participating in Adobe Premiere Pro forums, which was difficult since my English wasn’t great. Looking back, these are all happy memories for me.


After retiring, I could finally purchase HD gear and CS5 Production Premium. I burned the edited result to a Blu-ray disc and was deeply moved by the splendor of the image. Then, Creative Cloud came along, and I could edit videos more easily with the new software and computer, and I was glad about that.


Since then, I received MVP status in the Premiere Pro forums and began participating in the Premiere Elements forum. I purchased a laptop to edit on the go. More recently, I became an Adobe Community Expert. It is a real pleasure for me to get to know fellow editors on the forums. I am happy to have this role, feeling valued and entrusted to help others solve their video editing problems.


I enjoy video editing as a casual hobby, usually using Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition, Photoshop, etc. In the future, I would like to study Illustrator and Character Animator. Thank you very much for listening to my story.


Thank you so much for your contributions, Watanabe-san. If you have ever been helped by him, please send him a note of thanks on his profile page here.


Japanese Translation:

今月の注目のアドビ コミュニティ エキスパートは、Japan Premiere Pro (および Premiere Elements) フォーラムの K. Watababe です。 彼はそこで非常に多作で、約 15,000 の投稿があります。 彼が書いたものは次のとおりです。

こんにちは、Premiere Pro コミュニティです。 Adobe Premiere Pro および Premiere Elements Japan フォーラムでは 150kw としても知られる渡辺と申します。


Adobe Premiere 5.0 を使用したノンリニア編集システムに移行しました。 数年後、Premiere 6.3 にアップグレードし、ワイドスクリーン ビデオの撮影と編集、および DVD のオーサリングを開始しました。 その頃、Premiere Pro 1.0 を試してみたかったのですが、新しい HD 機器への投資は高すぎたため、その夢を保留にする必要がありました。 この頃から Adobe Premiere Pro フォーラムを読んだり参加したりしましたが、英語が苦手だったので大変でした。 振り返ってみると、これらはすべて私にとって楽しい思い出です。

退職後、ようやく HD ギアと CS5 Production Premium を購入することができました。 その後、Creative Cloud が登場し、新しいソフトウェアとコンピューターでより簡単にビデオを編集できるようになり、それが嬉しかったです。

それ以来、Premiere Pro フォーラムで MVP ステータスを受け取り、Premiere Elements フォーラムに参加するようになりました。 外出先で編集するためにラップトップを購入しました。 最近では、アドビ コミュニティ エキスパートになりました。 フォーラムで仲間の編集者と知り合うことができて、本当に嬉しく思います。 他のユーザーのビデオ編集の問題を解決する手助けをすることを大切にされ、委ねられていると感じ、この役割を与えられたことをうれしく思います。

普段はPremiere Pro、After Effects、Audition、Photoshopなどを使って、カジュアルな趣味で動画編集を楽しんでいます。将来は、IllustratorとCharacter AnimatorとPremiere Proでの使い方を勉強したいと思っています。 私の話を聞いていただき、ありがとうございました。

渡辺さん、ご投稿ありがとうございます。 彼に助けられたことがある場合は、こちらの彼のプロフィール ページに感謝の意を表してください。

Learn Something New

Small SQ GIF_09.gifRecommended how-to content

Here are some great "How To" technique threads, videos, and other tidbits you might find compelling. Please let me know if you have a handy tutorial or technique to share with the community.


The FASTEST Way To Learn Premiere Pro
Channel: Premiere Basics


Show Multiple Captions in Adobe Premiere Pro
Channel: Video Revealed


How to create a Video in Text Reflection Effect in Adobe Premiere Pro
Channel: Justin Odisho


Premiere Pro Keyframe Tips I Wish I Knew Sooner
By Javier Mercedes



For reference: The Premiere Pro Best Practices Guide for TV and Episodic Post-Production, a bible of sorts for pro editors, can be downloaded here: https://adobe.ly/PremiereProGuide.







Handy Links

Small SQ GIF_11.gifNew 23.4 Features (in brief)

Complete documentation for Premiere Pro 23.4 complete set of features)

Fixed Issues
Known Issues

Past Community Digests

Small SQ GIF_14.gifPrevious Monthly Digests

Last month's digest: Premiere Pro Community Digest — March 2023.

See the Premiere Pro Community Digest Home Page to see digests from 2020 to 2022.



Thanks for reading the month's digest. We hope to see you again next month.


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Premiere Pro Community Digest — April 2023


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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