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I'm getting incessant crashes when I move clips on my timeline. I can nudge them and I can scrub through. I can double click them and do everything else. But if I click and drag it crashes without fail.
I'm using PPro CC2014 latest update on a MacPro 6,1
6-Core Intel Xeon E5
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro D500
2 Correct answers
Hi Derek,
Do you have the Google Chrome "Pushbullet" app installed? If so, remove it.
NOTE: If your issue is crashing or freezing when dragging clips TO the timeline, then see this KB doc: Premiere Pro CC 2015 freezes when dragging a clip to the timeline
Hello @derekk16693795,
Is it possible to run an updated version alongside CC2014 to test your issues with? Which version of macOS are you running? I hope we can help.
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Are you doing any audio routing? I had similar issues where after moving or rippling a clip, the project no longer played back until I restarted Premiere Pro. I had audio busses for submixing, and once I removed the busses, everything worked correctly.
(Running CC15 on Windows 10 with an Nvidia GeForce GT 750M)
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I have no idea, I just reformatted and set up again the problem never reoccurred.
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This! Morph cuts! This just cost me 3 hours today! Thanks to all the posters here I fixed it.
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I can also confirm that this problem, for which I've been pulling my hair out for half a day, can be resolved by deleting all your morph cuts from the timeline!
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Unless you don't use Morph Cuts at all.
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Yeah, also AutoSave is not working. Oh, it's turned on, and set perfectly, but even on new projects, it doesn't work. So, I have to manually save EVERY TIME I IMPORT A SINGLE AUDIO OF VIDEO CLIP. This is ridiculous.
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Kevin, JLan3672's link with a fix worked for me.
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Yes Fletcher G, thanks. However, yours is the issue with dragging clips TO the Timeline. The OP is having trouble dragging clips IN the Timeline. We do know about your issue. It's fixed in the upcoming version.
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When is the new version out as I'm having a lot of issues with PP crashing.
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I am so angry right now...
I am not able to insert any kind of track. Even if Chrome is on / off. If i use keyboard shortcut, i will end with this error. If i drag it, my cursor freezes but i am able to control play / pause by keyboard spacebar - also mouse scrolling, but not the left / right click. I need to put the track to the video 😕
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Hey everyone,
So I was having this issue as well, file is native to CC 2015, tried with no chrome browser, tried with no in/out points on source clip - all to no avail.
I went to Edit > Preferences > Media and clicked "Clear" in the Media Cache Database box. This seems to have worked (unless it's 100% coincidence), despite the fact that I did NOT have the "Media Cache Database" box checked. It seems that it'll just re-conform the media and it will stop hanging.
Anyway, not an expert, first post here, but it helped me (so far at least...) so I figured I'd share.
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I am having a similar issue where whenever I move on my timeline either one or a multitude of clips containing at least a audio clips i moved around using the audio unit, it crashes instantly and all the clips selected while crashing are deleted from the recovery crash version.....
using Premiere CC2015 and
i tried versioning my project, but it still crashes and i have no idea (unless over cutting with the original piece of audio that was off beat) of to fix this issue and keep working.
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I've been having the same issue with:
- No Morph Cuts
- No Ins/Outs on clips
- No AE comps
- All audio as .wav
- Clean/Fresh Media Cache
- Chrome closed/open
This is a massive problem that needs to be fixed now! I can't edit, period.
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- Tried deleting all markers on timeline as well.
- Tried inserting clip as opposed to dragging and received this error message along with a crash:
Event log after crash:
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- Tried deleting all markers on timeline as well.
- Tried inserting clip as opposed to dragging and received this error message along with a crash:
This had been a Mac based issue, historically. It looks as if you have a different issue with your PC. For you case, I would recommend troubleshooting with our agents directly. More info here.
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Seems like my issue was the same as you referenced right from the beginning, sorry about that! I misread the article and thought I was supposed to clear the Ins/Outs in the Source monitor, not the timeline. When clearing the Ins/Outs on the timeline, it worked.
"NOTE: If your issue is crashing or freezing when dragging clips TO the timeline, then see this KB doc:Premiere Pro CC 2015 freezes when dragging a clip to the timeline"
The weird thing was that it wasn't happening with all sequences. One sequence was letting me drag clips on and would come up with this dialog box:
Then I checked "Always Use This Choice" and the other sequences weren't having problems. However when I rolled back to my main project where I was having the issue (I made multiple saves attempting different fixes) and tried the same solution I didn't get the dialog box but would still crash with certain sequences...all very weird. I'll just not use Ins/Outs on my timeline until I'm ready to export something.
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The issue is that the bug only exists if you have In and Out marks set and you try dragging in a piece of footage that is longer in duration than that between the set In and Out marks.
If you edit primarily by drag and dropping, you will encounter this bug more frequently. If you edit primarily via the Insert or Overwrite keyboard shortcuts, (or buttons) you are much more in tune with your In and Out marks and would experience this issue less often. You would also trigger the dialog box that you just shared instead of crashing.
Fortunately, this should all be resolved in the upcoming release.
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Hi Kevin
Having the same issue with nudging layers with morph cuts on them. I extended the in out points of the work area longer than the clips and still crashed while using "undo" to return the clips to where they were before i nudged them.
When is the next version coming out. This bug is a huge issue in my current workplace...
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Try to uninstall the GeForce Experience App. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but seems to be fixed to me.
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Hello @derekk16693795,
Is it possible to run an updated version alongside CC2014 to test your issues with? Which version of macOS are you running? I hope we can help.

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