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allow me to set one destination for all scratch disks in one step

Community Expert ,
Feb 21, 2023 Feb 21, 2023

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so here's my workflow.  I work on a variety of systems both mac and windows, at my office and on site at clients...  When I start a new project, I always keep the media on a single external hard drive and assign all the scratch disks to a folder named "premiere stuff" on the external hard drive and my project is saved to a folder on my computer that's automatically mirrored to dropbox.    In order to do that I have to manually assign all the various scratch disks to "premiere stuff" on my media drive.  Not a big deal, but would be great to be able to point to  "premiere stuff" for the first scratch disk and assign all the other scratch disks in one step...  


I don't expect the adobe team to drop everything they're doing for just me (although it would be nice), but throwing this out there to see if there are many others with this workflow who would appreciate a shortcut.    I've been using this workflow for many years without issue and love the added protection of having my autosave folder on the media drive along with the project being saved on dropbox...  which because I have dropbox plus have access to altered and deleted version for a month...  If someone thinks my workflow is a mistake, would be glad to hear from them.


Thanks as always to the adobe team and all the participants here.

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