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Disable / Dismiss Import Tab. Unmerge the New Project and Import Tasks.

Enthusiast ,
Aug 02, 2023 Aug 02, 2023

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Since Adobe is unwilling to remove the cumbersome import page, please allow the users who have been using the app for 10+ years to be able to dismiss this window.


Problem 1: On starting a new project you are presented with the oversize Import window that nobody likes. Okay maybe someone likes it but I haven't met them yet. This would be fine if you could acess the edit Tab and start building your project as normal and then ..."Save As" when you wanted to pick a destination. I want to be free of that window as quickly as possible.  Right now there is no way to dismiss it. 


Problem 2: When resetting app preferences, or reinstalling the app, which happens somewhat frequently unfortunately, its helpful to see where your scratch disks are. This was actually a feature I used a lot in the old project creation window. It is nowhere to be found in the new flow. Sometime you are working on another machine and want to double check things. 


Solution: Give us the option to start with a blank project and not see this interface. Do what After Effects does and just start with a blank project in the edit tab. Honestly for all involved workflow this would make some sense.


The import page should be an improved media browser not whatever it is now, some sort of half project starter, half import tab, with bad functionality for both. Why the new project function and the import task were merged is beyond me. I guess it could make sense for a few people but it really wouldn't be too muh to ask of those people to click over to import instead of trying to do too much with one screen. 


Workaround: Currently I usually keep an untitled.proproj in my recents so I can quickly get into the program without dealing with the import tab. 

Idea No status
Editing and playback , Import and ingest , Performance or Stability , Projects or collaboration , User experience or interface






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1 Comment
Enthusiast ,
Aug 02, 2023 Aug 02, 2023

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This is in response to one of the responses which basically said, "just click the edit tab." Which would be nice if that was an option. 




