The export expereince™ would be much improved if we had relative paths with a true custom name generator. Adobe used to be really good at this. Look at how Lightroom allows you to name and place files on export for inspiration.
- Export Destination should be relative to project file.
For example an extremely basic project folder structure is usually something like this:
:file_folder:PROJECT ROOT
- :file_folder:Project Files/:page_facing_up:MyProject.Proj
- :file_folder:Media
- :file_folder:Exports
So if you had open MyProject.Proj, and knew that you always kept your exports in your Exports folder. You should be able to designate ../Exports. For those who have never used command line: Basically go up one folder and place in Exports folder.
2. Additionally you should be able to pass in any type of relevant metadata into a subfolder name. For me that is usually the date of the export but this should be flexible.
So ../../Exports/[date][time][custom text][other metadata tbd]
3. Lastly this same custom name engine should also be assignable to the file name:
Instead of only defaulting to [sequence name]_[increment if file exists].mov Give us options here such as:
[project name]
[sequence name]
[custom text]
[number of frames]
[frame start]
[frame end]
[timecode start]
[timecode end]
[increment number] -- will need options to reset etc
[frame width]
[frame height]
[codec type]
[aspect ratio]
[Preset name]
Auto detect and label these resolutions:
Etc. I'm sure other users can chime in on what types of metadata would be useful in a file name but thats just a start.
These naming strings could then be saved as presets.
This would save so much time when you have to deliver hundreds of social assets in every type of aspect ratio. Everyone dreads the 1x1, 4x5, 9x16, etc mega delivery but this would help in a big way.
Again this is something that Lighroom and Bridge have been good at for a long time but would be super helpful to editors
@Fergus H