Hey there!
I'm working on a large television show, with several dozen thousand files - so when things go offline, it's a huge pain. I recently tried to migrate to the new update of Premiere Pro, which is natively compatible on M1 Macs (which I've been working on the entire time, using the Intel version of the software). I checked with my co-worker before migrating, and they said that the new software version is working great. They are working on a Mac Pro with Intel based chips.
However, whenever I open the M1 version of Premiere, it gives me an error message that the "files use unsupported file type CFHD". After some cyber sleuthing, I figured out that the error message was indicating that the GoPro Cineform codec (which all 28,000 files have been transcoded into for proxies) doesn't work with the software. The crazy thing is, they were natively generated from Premiere, and work completely fine in the Intel version of the software (which I can launch through the Creative Cloud).
Changing the codec isn't an option, as we're fairly far into the project at this point. I tried manually installling the codec by downloading some software from GoPro, and it didn't seem to fix anything. I quit and restarted, and uninstalled and reinstalled, and I'm completely at a loss. I'm certain it's just that the codec hasn't been added into the M1 version of the software yet. Any thoughts?