Hey Bronwyn... you told me at NAB we could live preview mogrts... that seems to only work on a very few of the items... is this correct? I SO need live previews!
Why does every other panel expand to a useable size upon clicking its title in the All Panels workspace but the essential graphics panel has to be resized to even view the templates?
** Bring back folders! - (Why would people want to not have the ability to sort and organise the growing selection of MOGRTs - no it's ok, Adobe just thought everyone would rather have a one huge list to scour through every time! - Geesh come on Adobe - you're supposed to be professional software - you charge astronomical prices for software that frustrates so many users.)
** Make ALL Mogrts capable of being Live previewed - not just a few.
** Make it possible to import multiple MOGRTs in one go, not just individually, file by file.
** Make it possible to change fonts much more easily on all MOGRTs not just a select few
all fonts Inside a Mogrt must be included by default (like pictures, sounds and videos) ... not only "somes" and not enough with the syncing typekit Creative Cloud system
Please bring back folders in the essential graphics panel, live preview and most importantly make it possible to change fonts much more easily on all MOGRTs not just a select few.
It's baffling how updates remove or break features that were working on older versions.
1) Organizing templates in folders is essential, especially since the browser is extremely slow 2) Sorting 3) live previews. I understand they require After Effects rendering and this can be tricky and slow, maybe just use low res pre-rendered videos
Hello I have a problem with the Premiere in the essential graphic section because I can not get the folders that I have located inside the program. Can someone help me? I have studied all the preferences and options and I can not see them. My version is that of 2018. Thank you, please, I need help.
Alfonso, no se puede con cc2018 pero si con 2019 (attencion en mi version (fr) si se hace, cuando se quieren ver todas las carpetas los Graphics se ven duplicados.
Gracias AndresBra, valla fastidio. Yo aun no puedo descargarme la versión 2019, creo que no llego a España aun. Creo que ha sido un fallo de Adobe en este caso pero espero que llegue pronto porque tengo essencial grafics comprados que no puedo usarlos comodamente. Gracias por responder
Hola, me estraña que no aya llegado a Espana. En las preferencias de la Adobe Creative cloud se puede elejir la lengua y el espanol està incluido (en Belgica).
Claro que para ello tienes que ver la propuesta de descargar la nueva version. Pero seria estraño que pueda yo descargarla en Belgica y tu no en Espana.
Se que en Mejico la utilzan ya! No puedo decir mas.
Removing the Essential Graphics folder makes it really difficult for users from small businesses who rely on MOGRT templates to create videos when they don't have the funds or resources to outsource to expensive agencies. Don't kill the little guy!