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More specific results in project panel/bin search using boolean operators

Explorer ,
Apr 27, 2023 Apr 27, 2023

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I've just spent several hours on a project discerning footage between A-Roll and B-Roll, placing that into the "Comments" column in my project panel.  My intention was that once I was done, I could go into any of my many scene bins and type A-Roll into search, and find all the A-Roll for that scene.  Alas, this didn't work.  The way search currently works is that is matches ANY of the characters you put into the search bar.  So, typing in A-Roll will show you all of your A-Roll...but all of the B-Roll as well, because -Roll matches.  Yes, I'm aware you can make search bins that are a bit more specific, but those target the entire project, not a bin with a specific scene, like I need.


This could easily be solved if the search bar used standard boolean operators that search engines like Google use.  That way, typing in "A-Roll" in quotes would only produce results that contain that full word, with those characters in that order.  It would be a nice addition if you could use operators like AND / OR, so perhaps you could do searches like "A-Roll" AND "Close-Up", showing you the close ups from your A-Roll, or something like "B-Roll" OR "A-Roll" AND "Long Shot", showing you all your long shots.


This would be an extremely helpful feature, I hope it can be implemented!  Thanks.


EDIT: Oh geez, I accidentally made this a discussion instead of a feature request.  Could an Admin move it?  I can't seem to find a way to delete.  Thanks.

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