Productions are amazing, but file organsation and duplication is an issue.
From what i understand about Productions most people structure Productions similar to us which is:
At the top layer have your main projects:
EP 1
EP 2...
Have a folder/bin called "Assets" which has separate projects called...
These are varied between Production houses, but the general concept of having your footage and other assets separate to your sequences, i believe is generally established.
- Video Usage, Audio Usage collumns to recognise where files are being used across all projects in the production.
When clicking the drop down menu, you will see the Project name, Sequence Name, and Timecode the file is used.
- When deleting a file from a project, if it is used in ANY sequence WITHIN THE PRODUCTION a warning appears asking if you are sure as it is being used in a sequence. (Just like with a single project file)
This would absolutely change the game for Productions. It would make it flow so much easier.
Especially, when cleaning up unorganised workflows, or deleting files no longer needed etc.
I have some others but i will write those in a different post.
Many thanks