I think it would be great if there will be also Czech and Slovak language transcription in Adobe Premiere Pro. It would help many editors. Do you see chance to add it? Thanks)
IdeaNo status
Editing and playback
User experience or interface
One of the main reasons I purchased Premiere Pro 2025 is the ability and functionality to edit videos directly from the text. This option does not yet exist for the Czech and Slovak languages. Is there another option through some extensions, or plug-ins so that this option can be used until Premiere Pro allows it?
Yeah seem like Adobe doesn't care about this. I mean Premiere Pro is free right? So it's normal to be completely ignored for a year when you don't pay anything for the product unless... oh wait... yes! I pay almost 30€ every month for the product! With big money comes big shittification I guess.
O to nejde. Ide o to, že je to korporát ktorý berie strašne peniaze za svoje licencie a na oplátku sa nie je schopný ani vyjadriť. Ak by sa aspoň vyjadrili, že teraz nie alebo budúci rok alebo pouvažujeme o tom. Oni to kompletne ignorujú a to je dosť smutné.
I am experiencing the same problem - I have a language school and I am unable to teach Czech online as the characters don't display correctly. Would need this also for Slovak, Russian and Greek.