Per Berntsen
Community Expert
Per Berntsen
Community Expert
‎Feb 17, 2025
03:04 AM
Yes, please post some sample files.
You should be able to attach NEF files here, as long as they're smaller than 48 MB.
However, you've posted in the Bugs section, which does not allow for attaching files when replying.
Since this is not a bug, and also belongs in the Lightroom Classic forum, I'll ask a moderator to move this thread to Lightroom Classic, and change it to a Discussion, which will let you attach files.
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‎Feb 16, 2025
12:05 PM
We really need to see your system info from LrC. The Windows system info is not detailed enough.
If you can open LrC, do not click on any image, but go directly to Help > System info, click the Copy button, and paste in a reply here.
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‎Feb 15, 2025
01:15 PM
An important detail is that these vignetting effects are more noticeable when shooting at f/2.8. When I shoot at f/8 or f/11, the vignetting is not perceptible.
By @fernandoiecp
Yes, that's typical for most lenses – stopping down reduces vignetting.
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‎Feb 15, 2025
01:13 PM
The Nikon profiles do not correct for vignetting – as it says in the info box, they correct for distortion and chromatic aberration.
I strongly suspect that the in-camera vignette control does the same thing regardless of what lens, focal length and aperture you use, so it would be of very limited value when you have three zoom lenses.
So you'll have to correct vignetting manually. You can create several presets with various amounts of vignetting, which might make it a little easier.
As a learning resource, I can recommend Thom Hogan's Z System User website.
Lots of reviews and articles (free), and he has written complete guides (not free) for nearly all the Z cameras.
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‎Feb 15, 2025
12:27 PM
I had the 24-70mm f/2.8 S for a short period some years ago, and the files taken with it do have a built-in lens profile.
I have never used the two others, but I always thought all the Z lenses had built-in profiles.
Don't you see the text Built-in Lens Profile applied at the bottom of the Lens corrections panel?
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‎Feb 15, 2025
11:59 AM
The first image has only a tiny bit of noise, so using Denoise at 50 is way too much.
Try using a much lower setting, like 10, and see if that cures the red cast.
I imported the two images in LrC, and using manual noise reduction set to 10 worked fine for me.
For moderate noise like this, manual noise reduction works quite well. It's fast, and you can do it on the original image with no need for a new file.
To evaluate noise and sharpness (and other image detail), always view the image at 100%. (use 200% if you have a 4k or higher monitor). This is the only magnification that shows you a true rendering of the image – on image pixel is represented by one screen pixel.
Unfortunately, Denoise presents you with a preview at 250%, which I find useless.
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‎Feb 15, 2025
02:26 AM
If restarting doesn't help, try resetting the Camera Raw preferences.
Go to Photoshop > Preferences > Camera Raw, then click Camera Raw with the Command key pressed.
Click Yes in the dialog that follows.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
03:10 PM
I'm thinking that it could be related to the newer versions of MacOS.
I doubt that the OS has anything to do with this. I'm on Windows 10.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
02:56 PM
You may have an active filter that prevents the file from displaying. (for instance rating or file type)
Disable all filters by pressing Ctrl + L.
If you're still not seeing the file, check the Sort order in the toolbar. (press T do display the toolbar)
If it is set to Added order, the file will display at the end of Library. (bottom of screen)
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‎Feb 14, 2025
02:48 PM
I'm seeing something similar when I try to save a small file, 39 kb ends up as 48 kb.
The file size you see in Save for web is obviously an estimate, since the file hasn't been created yet.
And frankly, it doesn't matter if a file is 38 or 53 kb. Both files are very small.
The estimated file size seems to be more accurate for larger files.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
02:32 PM
I exported an image from raw format to jpg - in the same export file. But it doesn't show up in lightroom, only on my hard drive. How can I make it visible in Lightroom?
Thank you very much
By @karen_3943
In the Export dialog, check Add to his catalog.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Feb 14, 2025
04:49 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 14, 2025
04:49 AM
1 Upvote
I see in another thread that you're using a Nikon camera.
I have a Nikon Z 7, and I usually work with the histogram enabled in the viewfinder. It's quite small and not too intrusive.
If you have a Z camera, press the DISP button on the back of the camera one or more times until the histogram appears.
The histogram does not show RGB channels and refers to a jpg, not the raw file, but it gives you an indication of possibly blown highlights.
If the histogram is bumped up to the right, the highlights will be blown in the jpg, but possibly recoverable in the raw file.
To be on the safe side, reduce the exposure a little, so that there is a little space on the right side of the histogram.
With some experience you'll be able to tell how much you can expose without blowing the highlights.
I have found that in some situations, the histogram will indicate a badly overexposed image, while the raw file is fine.
In other situations it's the other way round.
This will vary with the lighting conditions and the quality of the light, so you can never know for certain how far to the right the histogram can be. I suggest that you take a lot of test shots in different lighting conditions.
For more information, see Exposing a digital image.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
03:12 AM
A moderator has moved your post to Discussions because this is most likely not a bug.
I'm on Windows, and created a folder named æ'øåéç and imported an image from it. LrC has no problems with this folder.
2) copy the catalog, associated LR files and the main pictures folder on a usb drive
If this is a thumb drive, it might be the cause of the issue. Thumb drives are known to be unreliable.
In the past, the general advice was to only use characters a-z, numbers 0-9, hyphens and underscores in file and folder names, especially on the Internet.
Other characters were considered "illegal", and Internet Explorer would not display images with illegal characters in the file name.
This has obviously changed, but I think I saw a post recently about LrC complaining about illegal characters in the folder path on a Mac.
Maybe @johnrellis can tell us something about the status of illegal characters.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Feb 13, 2025
08:01 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 13, 2025
08:01 AM
1 Upvote
In Camera Raw, start by dragging the Highlights slider to the left.
There may be recoverable highlight detail in the raw file.
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‎Feb 12, 2025
01:15 PM
Are you working with smart previews?
Edit in Photoshop requires access to the full resolution original file.
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‎Feb 12, 2025
01:07 PM
If you click the Show button in the Catalog settings dialog (Edit > Catalog settings), a File Explorer window will open and show you the location of the catalog. What does it tell you?
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‎Feb 12, 2025
12:48 PM
1 Upvote
Do you have Add to This Catalog checked in the Export dialog?
If you do, the exported images will be imported in LrC, and previews will be built for them.
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‎Feb 12, 2025
07:53 AM
The .dropbox.cache folder is probably hidden. Turn on Show hidden items in the File Explorer, and it should display.
While it is possible to have the catalog in a Dropbox folder (requires a lot of caution and following some rules strictly), the cache folder is not the place to keep it. This folder is used internally by Dropbox, and should not be used for anything else.
I have a folder on Dropbox named Lightroom where I keep the catalog folder.
To avoid catalog corruption and other problems, the following rules must be followed strictly.
Before turning the computer off, make sure LrC is closed, and wait for Dropox to finish syncing. Do NOT turn the computer off before Dropbox has finished syncing.
After turning the computer on, Dropbox has to finish syncing before you launch LrC. Do NOT launch LrC before Dropbox has finished syncing.
In Dropbox preferences > Sync, Save hard drive space automatically must be turned off. Default sync state for new files must be set to Available offline.
The path to Dropbox must be the same on all computers that you use. If it is D:\Dropbox on your main computer, it must be the same on your other computers.
When I reconnected the 4 to drive after getting back home it would no longer link to the catalog. By @philr51159246
When you connect an external drive, Windows will assign the first available letter in the alphabet, which may not be the same letter the drive had the last time it was connected.
For instance, it the drive letter was previously D, and Windows assigned E, LrC will not be able find neither the catalog nor the images. (if they are on the same drive)
It is possible to change the drive letter back to what it was, if the letter is available, or assign a letter at the end of the alphabet, which is not likely to get changed. However, this could create issues for Dropbox if its path points to a different drive.
Please give us some details about your workflow.
Do you have one or several computers that you use with Dropbox?
Is the catalog as well as the images on Dropbox?
And are the catalog and images on an external drive that you move between computers?
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‎Feb 10, 2025
12:21 PM
Your camera requires Camera Raw version 15.3 according to this page:
The latest Camera Raw version compatible with Photoshop CS 5 is 6.7, so you won't be able to open the raw files in CS 5.
You can either subscribe to the Photography plan which includes the latest versions of Photoshop and Lightroom Classic, or use the free Adobe DNG converter to convert your CR3 files to DNG files that can be opened in CS 5.
Read the instructions carefully. You will have to set Compatibility to Camera Raw 6.6 or later, (or maybe 5.4 and later) in the converter preferences.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
06:54 AM
Disabling the GPU will not make any difference, since Denoise will use the GPU regardless of that setting.
Please go to Help > System info, click the Copy button and paste in a new reply.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
02:45 AM
I was wondering if there is any setting within Adobe as a whole that might have a "true" or false" flag regarding some part of the launching of camera raw or even attempting to open the raw.
By @James307024289i5m
There is no such setting that I'm aware of.
If you don't mind sharing a sample RW2 file, I could take a look at it and see how it behaves on my computer.
You can try to attach it to a post here, might work if it's less than 48 MB.
If it doesn't work, use Dropbox or similar, and post a link here.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
02:03 AM
The jpg format uses lossy, destructive compression in order to create small files.
A low quality setting will result in a small file size with visible compression artifacts. Flat areas, like blue skies are prone to banding.
A high quality setting will result in a larger file size with few compression artifacts.
A quality setting of 85 is considered optimal for image quality. Using a higher setting will not improve image quality, but the file size will increase.
Note that even at quality 85 or higher, there is still some loss of image quality, but it may be hard to see.
I have some images with cloudy skies with a lot of fine gradients, where I get color artifacts even at 100 quality.
For more information on file formats, see https://perberntsen.com/misc/technical/fileformats.php
Here's an article on jpg quality settings in LrC: https://regex.info/blog/lightroom-goodies/jpeg-quality
Quality 0, 78 kb
Quality 30, 142 kb
Quality 60, 229 kb
Quality 85, 796 kb
Quality 100, 1.16 mb
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‎Feb 09, 2025
03:48 AM
You have both an integrated and a dedicated GPU.
Try to disable the Intel(R) UHD Graphics in the Device manager.
Adobe software doesn't play well with multiple GPUs.
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‎Feb 09, 2025
03:39 AM
Try resetting the Camera Raw preferences.
In Photoshop, go to Edit > Preferences > Camera Raw, then click Camera Raw with the Control key pressed.
Click Yes in the dialog that follows.
If that doesn't help, try resetting the Photoshop preferences as well.
Though Windows can't preview pane a raw....viewing the raw files as large or extra large thumbnails works just fine. Always has. Never understood that.
Windows is displaying the jpg preview which is embedded in the raw files.
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‎Feb 08, 2025
08:23 AM
I have no idea what's causing this. Can you confirm that you're still seeing it when viewing the image at 100%?
Also, there is no need to go to Photoshop for this, LrC has its own Remove tool that will fix these details easily.
I have inserted your images below.
PLEASE do not attach images, use the Insert Photos button as described in my previous post.
This poorly designed forum has a prominent Attach feature that encourages users to attach images.
Attachments are awkward to view – they load slowly, and you can only see one at a time.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Feb 08, 2025
07:41 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 08, 2025
07:41 AM
1 Upvote
Having Photoshop manage colors will produce very accurate colors in print if your monitor has been calibrated with a hardware calibrator – which also creates and installs a custom monitor profile that contains an accurate description of your monitor's color response.
If the prints are too dark, your monitor is too bright. If they have low saturation, it's probably because you have an inaccurate or defective monitor profile.
This is all about color management. When you open an image in Photoshop, the colors are converted from the document profile (for instance Adobe RGB) to the monitor profile.
When you print the image using Photoshop manages colors, the colors are converted from the document profile to the printer profile.
If you don't have a calibrator, you can let the printer manage colors instead.
The Color controls option allows you to do some basic adjustments to the image, but you might be in for a lot of trial and error.
The best solution is to work with a hardware calibrated monitor, and let Photoshop manage colors.
I have done this for many years, and my prints are always a close match to the image I see on screen.
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‎Feb 07, 2025
12:43 PM
Please provide a lot more details about your workflow, and about the edits you do in Photoshop.
If you view the image at 100% in Photoshop when you've finished editing, and then at 100% in LrC when it has returned, do you still see a difference?
Can you confirm that this is the imperfections?
In the future, please do no attach images, use the Insert Photos button in the toolbar to insert them in your posts.
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‎Feb 07, 2025
12:25 PM
Camera settings would be a good candidate here, but since the original is a jpg, it can't be that.
A jpg should look roughly the same in the import dialog (which is not color managed btw) and in Library/Develop.
There's a good match between the histogram and the brightness of the image in LrC, so this is clearly a correct rendering.
I have no experience with HDR, but do you have HDR (HD colors) enabled in Windows display settings?
If you do, try turning it off, and see if it makes a difference.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Feb 07, 2025
05:55 AM
‎Feb 07, 2025
05:55 AM
First of all, leave the image in its existing color space.
The colors will be automatically converted to the printer profile in the printer driver.
In the PS Print dialog, set Color handling to Photoshop Manages Colors.
Then select the correct printer profile from the dropdown list.
Color management must be set to Off (No color adjustment) in the Epson driver, if not, you will get "double profiling" and wrong colors.
I am not familiar with Epson print layout, but I imagine that it has a way to turn off color management.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Feb 07, 2025
05:35 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 07, 2025
05:35 AM
1 Upvote
Hello, when I want to "export as" my image in Photoshop PDF format, I am not offered to change the ICC profile. The Adobe site specifies that there is a Color tab allowing you to do this but it does not appear in my home. I'm on Mac Mojave 10.14.6 and Photoshop 22.5.9. Thank you for your help!
By @Christo King
You are using Save As, which does not let you change the embedded profile.
When using Export (or Save for web) there is an option to convert to sRGB (which should always be checked, as well as Embed profile), but no option to convert to any other profile.
To do what you want, you have to convert the profile before saving. Edit > Convert to profile.
After saving, you may want to go back one step in History to keep the original profile with the original.
Alternatively, make a duplicate of the image (Image > Duplicate) that you convert to a different profile, and then do a regular Save.
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