In your preferences, the checkbox asking about typographers quote will make a difference here.
I've just replicated your situation. When checked on, the line comes through with a single left quote. If i turn the checkbox off and then toggle preview on and off, it goes to a straight quote.
That said, if you want typographers quotes elsewhere BUT in this instance you need a single right quote, you will need to actually copy that glyph into Excel. This can be done from your contextual menus when you have a blinking text cursor in a textframe.
 From here with the new single right quotation mark inserted, copy the character and paste it into the appropriate place in Excel.
When a csv is now exported, selected as a data merge source (with the typographers quotes on in preferences) this is what I end up with:
 The other way to do this is have two fields - one with the person's name, the next with the year. In your data merge file in indesign, you would have a line of text that looks like this:
<<name>> ’<<year>>
This way InDesign can control the formatting of the quote from here without relying on Excel parsing the data to a text only format which is then parsed again via InDesign's data merge tool.
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