Guy Burns
Guy Burns
‎Jan 17, 2023
09:47 PM
Is it possible to open the top most file under "Open Recent" files, as part of an Action? But not locked to a particular file when the Action was created, but is actually the most recent file opened. The reason I want to do this is because there seems no other way to do what I want. A couple of years ago I asked about a certain action that I need, and there was no solution, so I'll try again. I have about 30 actions that save images in a variable format and size, e.g. jpg 1080P, or PSD 1920W (1920 wide), and so on. These files are destined for Premiere, but the original file I want to save as Tiff > Zip just before I run the relevant Action. The problem is… Tiff > Zip can take up to a minute to save, whereas Tiff > LZW usually takes only seconds, meaning I can jump straight into Premiere to see the result, instead of waiting for the Tiff > Zip file to save. These are the typical steps I take when using an Action: The file is edited. I save the file as LZW – fast I run the Action I open Premiere and the file is already updated. I want to generate new Actions that, right at the end (after the jpg or whatever has been saved), that the most recent file is then opened (the same file I was working on) and automatically saved and closed as Tiff > Zip. i.e. it runs in the background while I'm inside Premiere looking for the next file to edit. My Actions can be downloaded here. It's only the ones starting with "Crop" that I'm talking about. To see how they work, you have to have a selection in place before the Action is run. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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‎Nov 02, 2021
07:59 PM
I am trying to find out how to use a second computer to encode Premiere sequences, when I came across Watch Folders in a 2020 blog about how to do just this. Aha! But no, it says in my AME manual: Premiere Pro and After Effects project files are not recognized, as there is no mechanism to select an individual Premiere Pro sequence or After Effects composition from inside the project file. Is there any way for my system – CS6 under a 2013 iMac - to use Watch Folders so that a second computer can encode? i.e. could I subscribe to an updated AME on the second computer? What version of AME? Thanks
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‎Jul 25, 2021
08:50 PM
Given four layers which have a black background, and areas in those layers that are clear, is it possible within PS to combine the layers so that I have just one layer with the four clear areas combined against a black background?
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‎Jun 16, 2021
01:53 AM
I'm not sure whether I should be asking this question here, or in QT, or in Premiere, but here goes. I use a process that involves PS, Quicktime and Premiere, to generate real-time animated lines (such as signatures, drawings). The process is basically: Choose a brush (size, colour), practise the animation, then record as an Action. On a white background, play the Action (as a step-by-step which preserves real timing) while screen-recording with QT. Import the recording into Premiere and use it's tools to remove the white background, leaving the animation all by itself. Instead of asking Premiere to remove the background in the final step (which works fine), I'd prefer if I could play the Action in PS on a transparent background, and then screen-record so that the resulting video retains transparency. Might this be possible?
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‎Jun 03, 2021
07:54 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the suggestions. Looks like I'll edit the brightness before I photomerge. I might give the warp idea a go as well.
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‎May 29, 2021
03:08 AM
I'm photomerging slides that were taken as panoramas in the 1980s. One of these panoramas is rather dark and won't photomerge, but if I lighten the images, then they will. I want to keep the original dark tones, and I'd rather not lighten (for the photomerge), and then darken. I'm a bit of a purist in regards too many edits. Is there a way I can apply, say, a Curves layer, and photomerge with the Curves layer intact? Or any other technique? If not, what is the most reversible way to increase brightness and then revert? Reversible meaning ending up as close as possible to the original brightness. As an aside: why is that my slide panoramas so readily photomerge, sometimes with only 5% overlap, whereas digitals seem to require a lot more overlap?
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‎May 26, 2021
11:25 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, that's the way to do it, using four layers: Layer 4… Matte (making the sky transparent, plus any gradients) Layer 3… Mountain Image (with Track Matte Key, matted using Layer 4) Layer 2… Rolling credits (transparent PSD with text and images) Layer 1… Mountain Image.
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‎May 24, 2021
01:47 AM
I'm generating a rolling credit so that the words appear to rise behind a mountain range. As they approach the top, the words fade out. See below. This is how I did it using Track Matte Key. Generate the text in a Photoshop document on a transparent background and save as PSD. Any solid colour works. This becomes the Matte, the top layer of the three layer Track Matte. The middle layer starts out as pure white layer in PS, then I apply a Layer Mask so that everything below the mountains is transparent, and the top of the sky fades to transparent. This layer sets the colour of the text in Premiere, in this case white. Where there is transparency in this middle layer, the text disappears. The bottom layer is the image – mountains and sky. I now want to add small images to the text PSD, so they roll along with the text, and are effected in the same way. Meaning, the images become visible as they rise above the mountains, and fade out as they approach the top of the screen. I can't work out how to make the images appear and disappear as they roll with the text. I want the text and images to be assembled in the same PSD file, and roll together, so I think I need a different approach than when I roll text alone. Any suggestions as to how I can roll text and images, preferably contained in the one PSD file, so that the text and images fade in and fade out together as they rise on the screen? I could make the text (and images) the middle layer, and put a matte on top, but when I roll the text, I'd have to keyframe the matte so that it moves in the opposite direction and stays exactly in place over the mountains. Or is there a way to force the matte to remain in place?
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‎May 03, 2021
07:16 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for all the feedback. I read through it all, ready to try again this morning. Last night before posting, I must have tried a dozen times to keep the Background in place (a true, locked Background) while aligning the top layer (B, one of about 10 layers). I re-arranged layers, unlocked all of them, locked all of them (except B), and various other combinations of trying to align B with the Background. The only thing I didn't try was to quit PS and start again. Something must have gone haywire with my PS last night, because this morning when I fired up, the alignment worked correctly. But, I did notice that the alignment unlocks and renames the Background layer, and doesn't return it to a true Background. That itself suggests that last night PS was unlocking the Background in preparation for aligning, and then inadvertently moving both because of temporary insanity. Thanks again. Next time I have a problem with PS, I'll try quitting.
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‎May 03, 2021
05:59 AM
I'm running CS6. I have a layer B that I want to align to another layer, A, the master. I don't want A to move. I locked A, selected both and aligned, and both layers moved. I made layer A the Background, aligned, and both layers moved again. How dare PS move a locked layer! Is there any way around this?
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‎Apr 18, 2021
07:47 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I can't get the "L" and "R" boxes on the right to work on my CS6 version. Very strange. I would have thought that with all the complex routing and assigning available in Audition that it could do this simple job. But I do have the solution: that good ole reliable audio workhorse that is always in my Dock just in case: Audacity!
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‎Apr 13, 2021
10:55 PM
I have some 3-track recordings from a Tascam 144 cassette, recordings made in the 1980s (stereo soundtrack on Tr1-2, commentary on Tr3). They are Wave files. When I open the recording, all three tracks appear, but only the top two are audible. What I've had to do is extract the tracks to mono files, open in Multitrack, pan and so on. But is there an easier way in Waveform mode just to hear the tracks as they were originally: Tr1 and Tr2 in stereo, Tr3 in the centre? Attached is an extract.
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‎Mar 28, 2021
02:41 AM
Thanks for the answer. Didn't realize you could just lock the pixels in a layer via the paintbrush icon.
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‎Mar 27, 2021
06:33 PM
An artist friend paints for me.
I send him a PSD file, already set up to paint in (correct dimensions, multi layered etc).
He does the painting in ProCreate, maybe locks some of the layers, saves as PSD, and sends to me.
I open in PS, but can't unlock the layers he's locked. I can delete them, but not unlock.
Attached is a sample file with the Crop 2 layer unlockable. I'm using CS6.
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‎Nov 30, 2020
05:15 AM
1 Upvote
Goodness, gracious me, Bojan – you've solved it. As simple as dragging the source selection to any-sized image in another tab. Something I'll remember till the end of my Photoshop days. Thanks heaps.
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‎Nov 29, 2020
03:38 AM
Thanks Semaphoric, for the hint. I have not used Quickmask before, but I gave it a go and couldn't get it to work. My selection source was twice the size of the destination image, and when I entered Quickmask in the destination and pasted, the selection rectangle was twice the size of the image (looking promising), but there was no way I could make the selection smaller so that it fitted into the destination. And when I exited Quickmask, everything disappeared anyway. If you'd like to see if you can get this working: • start with a document A of any size • duplicate and change the new document, B, to half size • create a selection in A, and see if you can get a reduced size version of that selection into B. The two workarounds I listed function okay, but I'm interested to find out if there are any other methods.
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‎Nov 28, 2020
05:18 PM
Is there a good reason why PS doesn't allow selections to be transferred from one image to another? Some background This is to do with generating versions of scanned slides that become part of an AV in Premiere. The shows are always 1920 x 1080, and slides are normally cropped to that aspect ratio. Often that is easy to do because of too much sky or foreground, for instance. But sometimes I come across a selection of slides that are well taken, so really can't be cropped. In that case, I may decide to crop them identically to ~3:2 (even the vertical slides), so that when they cross fade on screen, the audience is not distracted by varying position of the edges. In this case I'm going further. On screen, I want to retain the rough-edges and the round-corners of the paper-mounted slides. So I choose one slide, generate an outline of the slide image (see below), and use that as a mask in Premiere so that all slides have the same appearance on screen -- as if viewing through a rough-edged, round-cornered window. For various reasons, this time I want to apply the selection to all slides in Photoshop, and not use a mask in Premiere. So, once the selection is saved in the Source image, I want to: Copy that selection to another image. Move and scale the selection (but keep it's aspect ratio) Apply a Layer Mask > Reveal Selection so that only the area inside the selection is visible Crop to selection and resize to 1080P Save as PSD Import into Premiere, where I now have a rough-edged, round-cornered image. To answer your "selecting the white part" query, here are my notes on the process: TO IMPORT A SELECTION Photoshop appears not to allow the user to import a selection into a document that has different dimensions. There are two workarounds: 1. Change dimensions. Make the dimensions of all documents the same. Do this by noting the size of each document, choose the largest vertical dimension (V) and the largest horizontal dimension (H), then increase the canvas size to V x H for all documents. 2. Copy and Paste to a layer Note that this technique only works for hard-edged selections. It does not capture feathering. - Open the relevant selection channel on the source document and make sure the channel is active. - Copy all of the channel and paste into a new layer in the destination document. - Scale the new layer so that it just fits inside the image. If it isn’t made to fit, the whole of the selection cannot be selected (next step). - With the Magic Wand set to a large Range such as 250, select all the white area. Note: Channels use a different colour space from the layers. They use Working Gray, so to accommodate the different whites, the Range may have to be altered to suit. For example, for my special Kodachrome colour space, the range has to be set to 235. Any larger and the whole canvas is selected. - Save the selection. The new selection now has the same aspect ratio as the source, but can be moved and scaled as required. - Delete the pasted layer.
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‎Nov 27, 2020
07:30 PM
Given two documents with different dimensions, is it possible to copy a saved selection from one to the other? Basically, I want to transfer a selection from one document to another and keep its aspect ratio – and any feathering. There are two workarounds I know of: Change the canvas size of the documents so they are identical, and then "Load" selection from one to the other. A more complicated method involving copying all of the selection channel from the source document, pasting it as a layer in the destination document, resizing that layer, selecting the white part, and then saving as a selection. So, given any selection in any size document, is it possible to copy that selection to another document of any size?
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‎Nov 19, 2020
04:27 PM
I'd like to find out if this workflow can be automated. I'm not asking how to do it, just a Yes or No to parts of the workflow, or all of it. The outcome of this workflow is a stabilized 16fps scene (from a 35-minute home video), with its frame-rate changed to 24 fps, but with a unique frame-blending script applied. The process starts in Premiere with a "Replace by AE Composition". In the AE project window, two items appear: the linked composition whose runtime is the length of the scene I want to stabilize, and the 16 fps film (35 minutes) from which the scene is taken. Then I do the following. Add Warp Stabilizer to the 16fps film. Pre Compose the stabilized film and call it Warp 16 Create a 24fps composition with the same pixel dimensions and duration as the scene from the film, and call it Warp 24 Drag Warp 16 into Warp 24 and duplicate. Apply the frame-blending script to the top layer. Move the bottom layer by one frame to the left. Save and close AE. Back in Premiere, I use Adobe Dynamic Link to import Warp 24. Ques 1: Can Steps 1-7, or some of them, be automated? Ques 2: I have tried setting up a template of the above, and then altering the in and out points so that a different section of the film is edited, but I don't know enough about AE to do that. I suspect it may not be possible given that a pre comp is involved. So, could the workflow be "templated"? i.e. I save the AE project under a new name, and then change the in and out points so that it works on another section of film. Payment for a Script If this workflow can be automated in AE, and someone is prepared to write the script or whatever it's called, gmail me at gdburns and we'll come to some arrangement about payment. As I mentioned, I may have a hundred scenes to stabilize. Doing it manually would take me a week.
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‎Nov 11, 2020
02:16 AM
Thanks for the detailed response, Rick. However, my post was obviously not clear enough. The film, shot at 16fps, was wet-gate transferred frame by frame, at 2.5k, ProsRes 4444, on a filmfabriek HDS+. Scanning costs were about $600. I only wanted the best (thus my pickiness with how I'm going to edit this film for an end result on Blu-ray). Previous scans of other old films were done at Videopro in Denmark on a Lasergraphics Scanstation, but for various reasons that option wasn't suitable this time. Every time I have scans done, the first reel scanned is my test reel. Surprisingly, the filmfabriek (a $50k machine) which a young fellow in Melbourne has recently purchased for his business (and as far as I'm aware after extensive research, is the best scanner available in Australia), gave overall superior results to the $250k Scanstation. So, this time, the film was sent to Melbourne. To be clear: there's no interlacing, no video transfer involved, no degradation so far of any kind, other than a direct frame-by-frame scan. Now I want to find out under what conditions Warp Stabilizing is possible and/or desirable. As for the way I've blended frames, to my eye it gives the best result. Before deciding on this method, I compared three techniques in going from 16fps to 24fps: Frame blending turned off, which simply repeats every second frame. The film will be sharpest, but with jerky motion. Frame blending turned on. Adds frames as above, but blends every frame with the two around it. Every frame is therefore blurred, but the motion should be the smoothest – but blurred. Add frames as per 1, but the added frames are a 50:50 blend of the repeated and the following frame. My idea was that I retain original sharpness for two out of three frames in the final film. I applied the techniques to the same 15-second clip, converted to Blu-ray for viewing on our 3-metre projection screen, invited my partner and three friends for the test, and away we went. Test 1 I simply asked them could they see any difference in sharpness of jerkiness between the three clips. No one could, except that my partner (accustomed to my numerous tests, and with a more critical eye than most), said that number 1 looked "jagged". No one could see any difference in sharpness between all three. Test 2 I explained the difference between the three clips and what to look for. This time they could all see the jerkiness in #1, but no difference in jerkiness between #2 and #3, and no real difference in sharpness between any of them. My conclusion: for a general audience viewing well-photographed home videos, there was no difference between #2 and #3, projected at a viewing distance of 1.5 screen widths. Later, I repeated the test myself, really looking for the differences. It was not a blind test, I knew what was on the screen, but in terms of sharpness and fluid movement, to my eye #3 was the winner. I doubt whether the combination of scan and blend method described above can be bettered. Now I want to experiement with stabilizing. Some of the film was shot on tripod, so it's pretty good for an amateur effort. But other scenes are handheld, or taken on an aircraft or while bushwalking, and it's those that I want to try and improve. Ques To sum up: what is a suitable technique for ending up with 24 fps video from a 16 fps film, scanned at pretty near the highest quality available, with 300 razor points (cuts, scene changes), frame blended as per the script (every second frame repeated and 50:50 blended with the next), and each scene individually colour and contrast corrected, some of which I may want to stabilize? As much as anything, this is a technical exercise. I want to find out the best way to do it, and I want to try it.
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‎Nov 10, 2020
06:48 PM
I have some questions about Warp Stabilizing and Frame Blending in AE. I don't like AE. It's too complicated for my liking, but a few times a years I have to use it. So bear with me. The project involves a 35-min home movie from the late 1960s. The scan first goes into After Effects, to adjust the frame rate from 16 to 24fps, by blending every second frame 50:50 with the next. I use a script that someone on this forum wrote for me several years ago: n=3 //For m:n pulldown. Do not use for 1:2 pulldown. f = timeToFrames(time); f=f-2; s =Math.floor(f); if (s%n==n-2) 50 else 100 I don't understand it, but I know how to use it. In my opinion, it gives better results than the inbuilt frame blending. Anyway, from AE the blended composition is sent to Premiere, where I have cut it into about 300 scenes, each scene edited for colour and contrast, and a frame or two removed at the splice points. Dozens of hours work so far. And I have a horrible suspicion I may have gone about this the wrong way if I want to use Warp Stabilizing. But I can live without it. At the moment, in AE, I have two items in the Project window: a 24 fps composition, and the film itself at 16fps. In the window at the bottom I have two copies of the film. The top copy has the script applied, and both have been moved in a certain way to align them so that the script works properly. And everything works fine – in AE and in Premiere. Ques 1 But it is not stabilized. The problem is: how do I stabilize and not have scene changes and frame blending bugger up the stabilizing? Is there any way I can stabilize inside my existing AE project and not have it interfere with what's already in Premiere? I think this is what I should have done: 1. Import the 16fps film into AE, cut it into scenes, and remove the splice imperfections. 2. Stabilize each scene. 3. Somehow get that edited and stabilized 16fps version into a 24fps composition, ready for frame blending via the script. 4. Send to Premiere for colour and contrast correction. Ques 2 Assuming the above steps would work, when I import a razored AE composition into Premiere, do the razor points appear in Premiere? Or would I have to manually apply 300 razor points? Looking at all the above, I may have to forget stabilizing this time. But next time…
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‎Nov 10, 2020
05:51 PM
Im using CS6 under OSX 10.9. From other threads about large project file sizes, it appears the cause is Warp Stabilizer which stores the stabilizing data in the project file. The workaround suggested is to export the stabilized clips to ProRes and reimport them. I have a project where large file size may become a problem, so before I start applying Warp Stabilizer, I though I'd get a few hints on the best way to proceed. The project involves a 35-min home movie from the late 1960s. The scan first goes into After Effects (to adjust the frame rate from 16 to 24fps, by blending every second frame 50:50 with the next). It then enters Premiere, where I have cut it into about 300 clips, each clip edited for colour and contrast. I'm pretty sure I have not applied Warp Stabilizer to any of the clips in Premiere, but the project (153MB) is three times the size of a much larger project (140-minutes, a thousand stills, and a few dozen videos). The file size surprised me, and that's why I'm here. Ques 1 Can I search for clips that have Warp Stabilizer (or any other effect) applied? Ques 2 Turning off Warp Stabilizer on another project that uses Warp Stabilizer, doesn't seem to reduce the file size. Is that how Premiere operates – the stabilizing data is stored whether the effect is turned on or off? Ques 3 What other effects increase file size? Ques 4 Is it desirable to stabilize across scene changes? Won't the scene change bugger up the stabilizing? I've been thinking it would be best to stabilize the whole film inside AE, but then I reconsidered. Ques 5 For a clip that has frame blending applied (in my case, in AE), will stabilizing work? Or will the blended frames (either in AE or in Premiere) cause the stabilizing to go haywire? Thanks for any suggestions.
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‎Oct 09, 2020
08:02 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try nesting, otherwise it will be a manual re-calculate.
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‎Oct 06, 2020
06:20 AM
I've drawn an animated line on a map with the Write-on effect. The keypoints (waypoints) are at varying distances apart, so to achieve the same linear speed along the line, I also placed the keyframes at varying distances apart. Now I want to extend the duration. I could recalculate where all the keyframes should be to achieve a linear speed along the line, but I thought there may be a technique within Premiere where I can simply move the end points (stretch the distance between beginning and end) and all other keyframes in between are stretched linearly as well. So, can Premiere linearly stretch keyframes between a beginning and end point?
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‎Sep 18, 2020
01:53 AM
Thanks for the suggestion of Split Channels. I'll start playing around to see if it's of use, but I'm really aiming for a non-destructive technique and one that I don't have to create more files.
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‎Sep 18, 2020
01:47 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a go.
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‎Sep 17, 2020
01:01 AM
I'm using CS6 and I want to delete a tiny cursor from near an animated line, about 2 seconds worth of animation. The cursor was recorded when I did the animation. I don't need instructions, I just want to find out the easiest tool to use.
I have tried the 4-point Garbage Matte, but when I draw the outline, everything outside the outline is removed. And I want just the opposite. Is there a way to invert the operation of a Garbage Matte?
My next step is to make a tiny circular mask in Photoshop, and use the Track Matte Key effect, then move the mask to remove the cursor.
Any suggestions?
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‎Sep 11, 2020
09:11 PM
Another question. I want all my edits to be non-destructive, including Channel Mixer. All these images are edited in PS, saved as Tiff, then saved again as max-quality jeg, 1080P, for use in Premiere. My workaround for the colour-cast problem in grayscale Kodachrome images is to save the edited image as Tiff (as normal), then convert to Grayscale and flatten (an extra step), then save as jpg for Premiere. Is there any other technique I can use non-destructively in PS, that changes the image to true grayscale, hopefully for all colour profiles?
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‎Sep 11, 2020
09:00 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I've been having a detailed look at this problem, and if you have the time, maybe you can confirm my findings. The problem with colour casts when a monochrome Channel Mixer is applied, seems to occur only when the profile is the one that I specially created for my Nikon Coolscan V ED when scanning Kodachrome slides. It's the profile that is embedded in the attached image in my first post. When I use Channel Mixer with an image that has an sRGB-type profile, such as from a digital camera, or a scan of Ektachrome, the grayscale image from Channel Mixer is true grayscale. I have confirmed this on my system by testing a dozen or so images, and checking the luminance values with the Info tool. In all cases so far, when a monochrome Channel Mixer is applied, a Kodachrome profile results in "a" and "b" values under the Lab panel; but all sRGB-type profiles have "a" and "b" values that are zero. Is this some sort of bug in Channel Mixer?
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‎Sep 07, 2020
10:08 PM
I'm using CS6 and I am applying the RGB Curves effect to grayscale images to achieve a sepia look. The RGB effect has been saved as Sepia Preset. In past projects I used to do the sepia in Photoshop, saving the image as RGB ready for Premiere. But for my current project I thought I'd try a different technique to save disk space – save the images in grayscale, then apply the sepia in Premiere via my Sepia Preset. Depending on how it looks through a projector (not my computer), I may want to alter the Sepia Preset, but I have been unable to do so. Ques: Is it possible to set up an RGB Curves preset which can be altered, and which will automatically update all images to which that preset has been applied? Similar to a Style in InDesign.
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