Ok - this is one for the experts, because this expert is just plain frustrated! I'm teaching a DW class one on one (luckily only one student...). She is on a late 2014 MacBook Pro with 16 GB RAM running Sierra. No changes show up in Dreamweaver until she does a save as... not even a save. We are creating a very simple html page from scratch, using code view and css designer. Doesn't matter what we change, html, css, do it code view or in css designer, none of the changes show up. As you can imagine, this has significantly slowed us down. Everything works just fine on my iMac - no problems whatsoever. This is a virtual class, so I'm watching her and telling her what to do over GotoMeeting, we can't switch computers or I would. I had her close all other applications and restart DW - didn't help. Any ideas???