bellevue scott
bellevue scott
‎Oct 24, 2017
04:33 PM
I have a similar issue that I think is related. I just upgraded from PS 2017 to PS 2018, (mac sierra 10.12.6) and as soon as I did that, PS started misbehaving. I have some actions that I've made into droplets. I use them every day. Now, if I drag a tif file onto one of those droplets, the droplet tries to open GIMP. I checked to see if the default application for TIF files is PS 2018, and it is. Upon further fiddling around, I've found that the droplets work fine AS LONG AS PS 2018 IS OPEN. If PS 2018 is closed, those PS droplets try and open GIMP. My take: go back to 2017. I need to find instructions on how. 2018 is buggy as hell. healing stamp is slow and I've got other issues. Something is amiss with this version.
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‎Oct 24, 2017
04:24 PM
Sometimes a tweet on twitter will get a better response. No, tech support for Adobe is pretty non-existent.
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‎Oct 13, 2017
09:32 AM
I've also had problems with this since January of this year, when I purchased a Wacom 27HQ Cintiq. Previously I had two identical monitors, both NEC Multisync PA271W. Now I have one Cintiq and one NEC, both are the same resolution (2560 x 1440). If an image spans two monitors in Photoshop (2017.1.1), then the image turns black. This does not happen in other applications or finder windows, or Preview. It only happens in Photoshop. screen capture cintiq window goes black - YouTube This is a seriously debilitating issue and has made editing very difficult. BTW I did check my mission control as referenced earlier in the thread, and "Displays have separate spaces" is unchecked. Any help would be appreciated.
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‎Oct 12, 2017
01:47 PM
Sorry I never responded to this. I did fix the issue. I deleted the previous cache file and the problem went away. But I do find it poor programing that a cache file would completely and repeatedly crash DW. But alas, it's working.
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‎Oct 12, 2017
01:02 PM
2017 and I now have the same issue. It's super annoying, and has apparently never been fixed. Here's a video. MAC 10.12.6, Wacom 27HQ and a NEC Multisync PA271W screen capture cintiq window goes black - YouTube
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‎Oct 12, 2017
12:55 PM
This is a huge issue for us, and has been since January of this year since I installed a cintique. At first I thought it was the wacom drivers, but now i see it on another machine too. This didn't used to happen, but I had two identical monitors. Now I have a Wacom 27"HQ on the right and a NEC Multisync PA271W on the left. If an image spans both monitors it turns black. It's a huge pain.
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‎Aug 03, 2017
11:10 AM
Niharika DW crashes trying to update the cache. And yes, it's a particular site, but only because when launching DW it wants to open the last site I was working on, so that site is It never gets past updating the cache file, and just crashes. Here's the log file from the last crash. Any recommendations are welcome, including other applications I can use to do basic coding. That's what gets me here. I'm not doing anything that should crash a program. I'm trying to open a file locally in code view and then save/upload. Here's the latest crash log: Dropbox - dreamweaver-crash-logs Thanks
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‎Aug 02, 2017
01:31 PM
Hey, I really appreciate your replies Jon Fritz and ALsp. I might try CS6, but it was such a horrible ride too. With each version the problems have gotten worse, and now it's not even usable at all. I'm not necessarily looking for a free solution. I'll pay for it. I just need an interface for coding, and since I pay for the Adobe Suite, I've always used it. I like being able to code locally, but when I hit save, it saves and uploads to the site and I can refresh the page in the browser to see what my changes did. I used to have a staging server, but honestly when I work on a page now, I'm not worried if it's broken for a few minutes while I make code changes. Sync would be a bonus, but honestly sync in DW has been broken for years, and I occasionally just download a new local copy of my site occasionally when I go in and make code changes, so I'm not even dependent on that work flow now. I just need an app to code that let's me save locally and upload the modified file to the website at the same time. Again, really appreciate the help. As for trying to resolve issues with DW and troubleshooting, this was the final nail in the coffin for me. Adobe has had years to get it's act together and it has failed miserably with DW. thanks
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‎Aug 02, 2017
08:45 AM
I just upgraded to DW CC 2017 because 2015 started crashing everytime I tried to save. But now when I try and open DW 2017 it starts updating the site cache, and then it crashes. It's crashed a half dozen times now. I rebooted, opened DW 2017, and it crashes. I can't even open it now. Is this the final death knell in what has been a horrible POS for years now? Does anyone have recommendations for a program to maintain my websites? My sites all run on Wordpress, and the only thing I use DW for is to tweak code in CSS files and some PHP editing. Otherwise content is managed in wordpress. I've been reluctantly using DW for years now for coding, but it's always been a hopeless crashing pig, and now it won't even open. Any recommendations for a replacement would be greatly appreciated. Here's my machine config.
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‎Jan 11, 2017
12:08 PM
Ideally the scratch disk should be a different drive than the drive that Photoshop is on, which is likely the OS drive. If you have two physical SSD drives, then put the PS program on one, and the scratch disk on another. That way the machine isn't trying to access the program and the scratch on the same drive. At least this is how I've always understood it.
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‎Jan 11, 2017
09:55 AM
1 Upvote
call on 1-11-2017 - got through to Wacom support. They know they have issues. driver 6.3.20 does not fix the issue with pen disappearing. I asked the engineer to check the release notes and he confirmed that this does not fix the issue. At first he told me to install this driver and that it should fix the issue, but after I asked him to review the release notes, which are not available online, he confirmed that this does not fix the issue and they are working on a new driver.
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‎Jan 10, 2017
10:31 PM
1 Upvote
Not sure if this is a PS issue, a MAC issue, or a Wacom issue. But here goes. This issue was happening with PS 2015.5, upgraded to PS CC 2017 with my cloud subscription and it keeps happening. Always when drawing, the pen will just stop working. I have to reboot the machine. It's as iff using the pencil tool freezes the pen. The only thing I can do is reboot. Here's my setup: Mac Pro (Late 2013) Sierra 10.12.2 Proc: 3.5Ghz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 Memory: 64 GB 1866 Mhz DDR3 Graphics: AMD Firepro D700 6144 MB Storage: 1TB Flash Driver: WacomTablet_6.3.19-10 Monitor1: Wacom Cintiq 27QHD (2560x1440) Monitor2: NEC PA271W (2560x1440) (firmware PA271W Ver.1.01.06)
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‎Nov 07, 2016
12:17 PM
1 Upvote
I have a bunch of 360 degree equirectangular photos in Lightoom, but there doesn't appear to be any way to view them as a 360 panorama either on the desktop or on a mobile device with Lightroom Mobile. In particular I'm looking for a way to see them on my iPhone 7 as I have desktop tools, but nothing on the phone. Any ideas?
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‎Oct 27, 2016
02:00 PM
I create catalogues all the time because I have many clients, and I archive the catalog off along with their work. I can't have monolithic catalogues. It doesn't work for me. So why can't adobe make SW that works with their client's work flow, rather than shoving this mobile synch garbage down our throats. I shouldn't have to disable it every damn time I open/create a new catalog, or every time i open a catalog. It's pushy, annoying and says that Abode is more interested in pushing services we don't want that providing SW that works for us.
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‎Aug 24, 2016
11:02 AM
Saving started working after I upgraded to 10.11.6, but now the problem is still happening. Both machines running 10.11.6. This seems a very serious bug in the Mac OS.
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‎Aug 23, 2016
11:22 PM
upgrading the mac pro from 10.10.5 to 10.11.6 fixed this issue. This is a pretty bad bug in the Mac OS. This old thread was a life saver.
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‎Aug 23, 2016
06:23 PM
I am now experiencing this issue. I know this thread is old, but I'm seeing the exact same thing. imac running 11.10.5 El Capitan Map Pro running 10.10.5 with attached USB 3 HD, permissions set to read write execute for everyone and "ignore permissions on volume". imac is running PS CS5 - open a file on any volume on the mac pro, edit and save. File can't be saved because "you don't have permission". Save as also doesn't work. Close file and it disappears from the drive and needs to be restored. Apple support has tried to tell me that it's "because you're running different OS versions". I told them this is absolute nonsense, because if the answer really is that accessing files across macs running a different OS causes data loss then they have a seriously flawed OS. Well, they apparently do anyway, but I don't think that's the answer. I have another Mac pro running 10.11.5 and I can open and edit files on the 10.10.5 mac across the network without issue. However, this mac is running PS Cloud version 2015.5. Is this an issue between OS versions? Or is this a combination of CS5 and El Capitan? If anyone in the Adobe world knows the answer to this question it would be Mr. Chris Cox.
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‎Aug 19, 2016
11:43 AM
Is this question still not answered? I'm getting sick and tired of that nag message to sign into Lightroom Mobile. I don't want it. I have no intention of using it, and it appears this can't be disabled. I want no part of this service. I have a billion photos and I'm not even going to begin to try and sync any of my catalogs. How do I make this go away?
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‎Apr 15, 2016
10:39 AM
I'm on a MAC, and don't have lavasoft, so that's not the issue. For me Dreamweaver has been broken for at least 8 years. During that time I've been on constant upgrades, and now I'm on the cloud. I've been through several Macs, and always have a new one. I've got three Macs now, one with CS6 and two on the Cloud version. Dreamweaver is consistently bad on all of them. By bad, I mean that it crashes often. Sync is completely broken and unusable. The only thing I get out of Dreamweaver is a semi-functional ftp pipe to my website and the ability to edit certain PHP and template files on my wordpress site using the coding window. So it's mildly useful and pretty much does what I need. It offers a coding window and a GUI wrapper when I need to go and look at code for my website, but as for a CMS, it's just broken beyond repair, and it has been for many years. I had hoped that with the acquisition of Homesite (Allaire) by Macromedia, that was then acquired by Adobe, that things would get better, because Homesite had a good robust ftp and sync module in it. I'm not sure what did get integrated, but the robustness of Homesite for hand coding and synching to a website never transpired in Dreamweaver. Has Adobe simply abandoned Dreamweaver in favor of new tools? Whatever the answer, the crashes in Dreamweaver are likely to never be resolved.
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‎Jun 05, 2015
04:49 PM
Yes, that's always been the case for me too, across many version of DW. I've got Mac Pros, and an iMac. On all three machines DW crashes on wake. Never sleep the computer with DW running. It'll crash hard.
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‎Jun 05, 2015
12:30 PM
I have been using DW since CS3, and I"m on CC now. I'm on a MAC and I have the entire Adobe Suite. Without a doubt DW is the most buggy of all the Adobe Apps. It's sync is broken completely, it's search is broken, and it crashes randomly. Sometimes it crashes when I'm typing for no reason. Changing from design view to code view can cause crashes. Switching from one website to another can also cause crashes. Yes, it crashes a lot, for no reason. I've kept hoping that with each version there would be an improvement, but it never comes. At this point I use it as a coding window, but not much else.
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‎Dec 30, 2014
11:42 AM
Thanks John. I'll give it a try. I'm happy to pay for a plugin like this because this silly thumbnailing issue has plagued us for years now, across several versions of PS and several MAC OS versions. It's absurd.
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‎Aug 28, 2014
12:21 PM
Following the insructions in this thread, I did in fact get Encore to install with Creative Cloud. The solution is to 1) Install Premier 6 from CC 2) Note that Encore comes with it (you might need to check it as an optional feature) 3) Uninstall Premier 6, but select the checkmark to keep Encore 4) If you had Premir CC then you now have the latest Premier and Encore. I'm happily now using Encore with Creative Cloud Encore. I also had Encore on another machine and was able to copy the templates over.
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‎Jul 08, 2014
03:30 PM
I totally understand that. But while I respect your expertise and the efforts you put into the forums, I do believe it's time for Adobe to find a way to fix this. It's been years now. I'm not sure how many, but starting with CS6 and all the way to now with PS CC 2014. We've been patient, but this is starting to have a serious impact on work flow. We can't find stuff. We work with images all day long, so we go by the thumbnail images more than a file name. Again, I don't care who's fault it is, but Adobe, being the premier digital publishing software tool manufacturer on the planet should be able to find a work around. And yes, I do understand some of Apple's OS bugs. Some of them are infuriating, but this one is like the thorn that won't go away, and it only happens with PS. Not GIMP, not illustrator, not In Design etc. It's only PS. Call it minor, but for us it's a serious thorn.
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‎Jul 01, 2014
05:39 PM
I have heard you blame this on Apple for years now Chris, and I don't buy it. This is an increasing problem with Adobe PS CC and CC 2014 to the point that it's making our work flow impossible. You keep blaming Apple, and yet I can take a tif file I created in PS that won't display a preview image, open it in GIMP, or in Apple's preview thing and when I save I get an icon. When I do it in PS I get a white square. It's Adobe. It's not Apple. I've been putting up with this since CS6, and now I'm on CC 2014, and it persists. It's total nonsense. It's ONLY Photoshop, and it's 100% reproducible 100% of the time.
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‎Jan 28, 2014
11:35 AM
I have upgraded to Photoshop CC and MAC OSX 10.9 Maverick. This problem still persiststs but in a different way. When I open a PS file that has been saved on another MAC on PS 5.5, the small icon in the header bar is there. When I save a file in PS CC the icon is never there. There's just an icon of a generic jpg. It's better than before becuase now I can at least use the functionality of that little icon for draggin the file into other Adobe programs or my RIP for printing without hunting for it in finder, but it's still broken in that it doesn't provide a true preview. Just an FYI. I prefer it being broken the way it is. It's not pretty but the functionality I need is back.
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‎Jan 18, 2014
08:54 AM
1 Upvote
I have to chime in and say that's not an acceptable answer, especially for an MVP. I purchased CS6, and I purchased the cloud. This is an integral part of Premier. I've paid for it, and I've spent the time in tutorials and learning to use it. I'm not paying for a new authoriing tool, and I'm not learning a new authoring tool. I too would like Adobe to add this to the CC collection of programs. Period. Adobe stated with CC that you have access to the full suite of Adobe Creative applications, and this is apparently not altogether true. Fortunately I didn't delete my CS6 version.
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‎Jul 27, 2013
09:17 AM
Still Chris, I don't care. Adobe and Apple should work together to fix this. It happens to only affect Adobe Photoshop, so I would say this is Adobe's problem. I understand your position, but as a consumer I have no control over the in-fighting between Apple and Adobe. This but continues to be a huge pain in the rear for us at work. It causes lost productivity, and we routinely reboot the Mac to refresh the OS, and for a spell the icons work correctly again. We use that icon to drag and drop files from PS to our RIP and to other Adobe apps, so losing the icon causes us to open finder and hunt and pec for files. It's more than just a little annoying. It really does cause us a lot of time. Please note that it has been six months since I left a comment about it, and six months later Adobe is still spewing the same lame response. "it's the OS". OK, maybe it is, but work with Apple to fix it if that's the case. To me, as a consumer, it's an Adobe bug, because I only see it in Adobe PS 6. Not 5.5 or previous versions. Only 6. The long lack of resolution to this is more than annoying, as is the same broken response. And don't get me wrong, Chris, this is not a personal attack. I know you're just one guy, and highly qualified, but this issue grates on me like fingernails on a chalk board.
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‎Dec 18, 2012
12:38 PM
OK. Ran cocktail. No change. BTW I do appreciate Chris' help and attention, even if we're not getting the answer we want. To be fair to the PS team, this is the only thing in PS6 we've seen that's negative. Although we noticed it straight away, and every time we use PS now. I would be happy to report this bug to Apple, as an apple bug, if Chris or somebody here could tell us how to do that, in great detail, otherwise it's just pissing in the wind. Unless that happens I'll just wait for a fix in CS7.
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‎Dec 17, 2012
07:45 PM
This is not a hill I want to die on, but it's more than a trivial issue. This really does effect some people's work flow, including myself. And while I have nothing against Chris, and originally took the same position as you in this forum, I've come to be very annoyed with this issue. So please don't trivialize this or say that it's only a few cranky users dealing with an obscure problem. We're not the ones to blame here. We're clients of Adobe, and we're asking for a fix, and some honest responses, and simply saying it's Apple's problem is unacceptable. The broken functionality is very useful, and helps me a lot in my work flow. I'm all for being civil, but it is us, the users, who are asking that this be constructive. An impasse has not been reached. This is an obvious and annoying bug that should be fixed. That's all we're asking, and I think that what we are asking is entirely reasonable. And when we aren't getting satisfactory answers, we're asking for a way to escalate. I find your insinuation that we're cranky users who refuse to let go of an obscure technical issue as annoying as Adobe's answers. It's as if asking for a fix to something that's been broken in CS6 and then getting annoyed when being stonewalled makes us cranky, and we're the bad gusy. Thumbs down on your thinking. As for Chris and his background and reputation, I'm sure he's very talented, and very knowledgeable about Photoshop. However, the answers provided in this forum have been unacceptable. Period. This issue needs escalation. If you find it obscure and unnecessary, then don't follow the thread.
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